I let the babies acclimatized to their new 1 gallon homes, then began the process of trimming daylight. The readings on the PhoTone app gave me the following measurements: @ 19/5 - PAR=230/250 ; DLI=16/17. I did not water or mist on this day; the containers were still heavy. No water was given on veg10. On Veg11 I turned the light up slightly, but did not record/measure values. On Veg12, I again rescheduled my light to be 17/7. Measured to be: PAR=310/350; DLI=20/21. On Veg13, I mixed a very gentle foliar spray/soil feed. I mixed one gallon of water with the above nutrients in a 1 gallon spray-mister, and applied half a gallon, dispersed equally over all specimens, including the underside of leaves. Just prior to the beginning of the night cycle of veg13--Veg14, power went out at my house. It appears to have been a 2.5 hour-long event. The time was reset on Veg14, and I decided to shift down to 15/9 lighting cycle (one day ahead of when I was scheduled) with measured values of DLI=22--26. I didn't remember to write the PAR values, but I do want my DLI higher. This light is a FARMLITE 230w bar-style LED that's meant for 3*3 Max area. I'll be switching this out for one of my hlg 600w lights. Wowsers..I do quality control, professionally, but I enjoy writing these reports more.
As always - Thanks for Peeking!! Happy, Healthy & Prosperous Growing 💚👍🤘🤙🖖💚!!