Tangerine Dream Auto has some problems. She is growing only slowly and her new leaves are slightly crippled. Since I am using the same setup for my Orange Bud Auto which has no issues, I am rather clueless. Anyway, I gave her some more water and just will have to wait and see.
@Biotabs, Thanks for the tip. Because Tangerine Dream was the smallest plant under the SanLight she got the least light. The Auto Orange Bud and Strawberry Merengue are much larger and I had to adjust the light to them. Especially the top part of the Strawberry gets burned quite intensively at 100% and 40cm. For the next run, I will use plants with similar growth speeds and only three intead of six as this time. But for the weeks to come, Tangerine Dream will get more light; in a week she will be the only one and enjoy 100% at 40cm alone :-)
Ich denke mal, da hast du einen Seed mit genetischem Fehler / Mutation bekommen. Die Struktur der Blätter und der oberste Trieb sehen recht mitgenommen / komisch aus, obwohl sie gut wachsen sollten mit den Bedingungen.
Aber hey, solange sie munter weiterwächst, würde ich sie behalten und schauen wie sehr sich die Mutation auf den Phenotypen auswirkt. Ist bestimmt eine interessantes Experiment.