Middle of the last week i start to saw that plants are giving sings on soon harvest(pistons darker color, curled in bud, trichomes (big transparent-cloudy, middle cloudy-amber , small also transparent-cloudy)
From yestrday they are in rest and dark mode
Didnt do water flushing becuse i am using bio nutrients, last watering 18.11
Environment in tent is solid now without light,lower temperature( 0-5°) and more humidity(50-55%) ,so thats good
I will wake them up soon, but need to wake up myself in morning also😴
Gn 🥦🍀💚💆♂️
After 71 day of which two days in darknes , looking for 40-45% humidity and solid temp 20-25 i did cutting part and take them in more darknes, for drying 😁🤤
Situation in tent is how i want, becuse of the smell in room is colder then it should be so humiditiy is bit lower ( now 47-51%) but temp is also low ,i hope that will do solid exchange with not drying to fast becuse of lower temp, they look more frosty after few days in dark, smell is better and more aromatic, but i guess when you grow in tent, it could not be intense smell like outside, on constant fresh air,condtitions in real time, but its good, checking every day situation with buds, 24/7 good good air flow in all directions , ifan and carbon filter also doing solid good job with killing smell thats going down the pipe outside.
Whole run was very good and i didnt have much problems or questionable situation, setup from mars hydro did well and equipment didnt make any problems in work, nice amount of watts for 3 plants, good size of tent to work normaly, from 1 place reach everything you want, and yea biobizz soil and nutriens also show up quality and results, with good dosing of nutrients and accurate ph level, resault was there.
I also see flaws and thing that i could do better, but in total i am proud on me for doing my first grow, think that this change perspective about lighting buds and enjoying them.
Wish then good and slow drying in best condtion possible🙏🏻🙏🏻💚🥦🍀
❄️🌤️ 🍋🌲🍓
Die sehen sehr gut aus bislang !
Viel Spaß auf deiner ersten Reise, es ist immer aufregend sich das erste mal vom Anfang bis zum Ende selbst um seine Ladys zu kümmern !
Danke, ich glaube auch, erste mal machen etwas ist immer nervous, aber Deutschland geben mir diese Möglichkeit, so kann ich das Machen ,so viele gluck für meine Ladys🙏🏻🤞🏻