Athoscommentedweek 46 years ago
To answer your question:
Do you see those curled margins on the leaves and how the leaves are puffy looking between the veins, that's a sign o over watering, for either giving too much water or too often, most likely caused because the plant is in a pot too big for its size, so mind how you water and let the soil get dry before watering again. Anyway, back to your questions, the blackish tips on new growth is nutrient burn and the spots are calcium deficiency, in this case cause by lockout due the excess of other nutrients (usually P and / or K). Stop feeding nutrients and the plant will recover; do not feed if there's no sign of deficiencies, the 5 gallon of soil will lasts you several weeks before needing additional nutrients. As for cal-mag, before using it, I would advice you to measure your water EC/PPM and unless it is lower than 0.4 EC / 200 PPM, you will no need it.