It’s week 5 of flowering, and things are looking fantastic!
The adjusted nutrients for the coco substrate have clearly made a difference, as both plants are thriving and continue to develop thick layers of trichomes. ✨
Interestingly, the non-LST plant is starting to show some unique color variations, which is surprising given that both are from the same strain.
This unexpected twist adds a bit of excitement, and I’m curious to see how it will develop over the next few weeks.
When it comes to scent, the differences are striking! The LST variant has a bold and distinct Lemon Haze aroma—zesty and citrusy 🍋💨
while the non-LST plant gives off a fruity-sweet smell that’s incredibly rich and inviting. 🍓🍭
Unfortunately, my camera broke this week, and now I’m dealing with some low-quality pictures. 📷😔
While it’s frustrating not to capture the plants in their full glory, I’ll do my best to document their progress as clearly as possible.
Overall, both plants are doing great, and I’m looking forward to seeing how they turn out in the final stretch! 💚
@Fast_Buds, Thank you so much I am pleased to have your genetics, unfortunately the first try died before getting bigger... So I started another 2 of the Banana Purple Punch and hopefully they will show me their beauty 😋😍
Glückwunsch zum bisherigen Verlauf sieht saftig aus die Olle Banane 🍌. Hab die auch grad im Zelt und dachte schon mein Gott was ein Spargel, aber dank deinem Report bin ich doch sehr beruhigt das es wohl an den Genen liegt wie die wachsen.🤞. Viel Erfolg weiterhin!
@Dr_Green_Thumb87, Vielen lieben dank !:) Die eine ist definitv dünn ausgefallen hat aber dafür kaum bis gar keine C buds produziert wofür ich echt dankbar bin 😌 die andere habe ich zwar runtergebogen ist aber auch eher dünn ausgefallen mit dicken buds😋
Wow looking nice!
I adopted two banana purple punch ladies a few weeks ago and harvested and decided to start a new lot myself!
I have 2 going now just popped their leaves today!
Happy growing!
Nach 3 Wochen Reifung im Glas kommt ein wahnsinniges Erdbeer Aroma !! Sobald ich den Grinder aufmache, riecht die ganze Bude heftig nach den roten Erdbeeren von Haribo!! Sehr künstlicher Geruch, aber der Hammer!!