The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Gorillas in the wardrobe

3 months ago
Room Type
weeks 3-7
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-10
Grow medium
4 L
Pot Size
0.38 L
6 months ago
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 4 mll
Here I go growin' again. Set up: Basics remain the same as last time. 4 liter soft grow bags, with Biobizz light soil and will run on BioBizz nutes Only big change, it looks like I am going to get to try two plants this time. The soil from the last grow was split between the both as a bottom layer after it had plenty of nutes dumped into it even to the end, and a layer of fresh light soil to let it set up, gave it a good dose of the root juice on planting to hit the ground running. Germination: 24/09 I was king of anxiety last time waiting for seeds to pop, sooo I figured I'd rather see whats happening this time. It was just two seeds in the glass of water. 24 hours both seemed to have swelled but couldn't see a pop. 48 hours, both popped and had lil tails (god I tried hard to be delicate with them so they don't break on planting). Planted: Set up the pots the day before with a good watering to get the moisture up after some of it had dried out since my last grow, then about an hour before planting 500ml with 4ml/L root juice on each pot. planted the popped seed around 1cm, lightly pinched some soil over them and away we go Setup: 12 hours of light, as its now cold at night but its a good height up to try and keep things getting too much. for the little sprouts as they come out. Germination week update Day 5 1/10 : they grew fast and strong, a little taller than expected so I brought the lights down to limit stretch. Not too worried about this being too much for them atm as I put them in improvised mini greenhouses (bottle bottoms). At first I did it as the seed case on one was really stuck so I wanted to up the air moisture a little to help it, it worked out well enough. They have been getting 500ml every other day with 4ml/L root juice, seems to be a good amount for this set up to keep the soil optimal.
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Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
6 months ago
4 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
60 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 2
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 4 mll
Day8 4/10: First pair of true leaves are out and the next set are on their way, these plants seem quiet vigorous, one a little more than the other but not to a point I'd worry. Going to keep going with Root juice for one week to really try and encourage those roots, but they will get their first dose of Fish mix and start getting them fed. Going to keep an eye on them as I'm pretty sure my lights stunted my first grow by being a bit too much. Day 12 8/10 Second pair of true leaves coming in nicely and the third is looking good. Neither of these two is showing any of the yellowing that I put down to light stress on the first grow in this set up, so as the weather is coming in much colder soon and I have already noticed my day time temps (I run the lights over night) dropping down to 17c in my tent, I'm going to up the hours of light a touch and adjust my fans to stop them getting too cold. The outside of the wardrobe will also have a blanket draped over to trap some more warmth during the day.
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Week 2. Vegetation
6 months ago
10 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
60 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 3 mll
Day 15: 11/10 Condition: Growth is vigorous in both plants, leaves coming out big and deep green. Back plant is coming along a little bigger, but front plant isn't struggling by any means. setup: Haven't upped the light as weather didn't dip yet so the temps are acceptable and I'm kinda ok with them growing a little smaller given my grow space. Nutes: Root juice has dropped out as its not recommended and they look well established enough to not worry about that now, going a little over Fish-mix from reccomended and thrown in the Alg-a-mic to help level it out. (any change and I will drop fm to reccomended and use the alg-a in a spray over rather than pour in.) Day19 15/10 Condition: I have concerns that two plants is going to be even more overkill in this grow space than I first thought. Both are growing fast and strong with lots of broad leaves and a deep green. I will have to start and re plan LST sooner, might go straight in with a net. Hell I know it's not smart to try topping on a first run (or on many auto lines) but I think this could make it. They have gone up a little under 5cm in 4 days Setup: No change I will keep things as is for a bit longer. No light move yet, if they look like they are struggling with burn then yes but for now I want to limit any streching untill. Nutes: I have upped the water to 750ml every two days with Fish-mix at 3ml/L so thats not just a stronger mix but more of it too and they are thriving on it.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 months ago
15 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
60 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max 1 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Day 22 18/10 Condition: FP: Doing well and catching up with BP in terms of growth, no signs of stress or such. BP: Maintaining it's lead over FP in size but I noticed some light chlorosis on a couple of leaves from the 4th node growth and the margins not worrying yet but I will keep an eye on it. Overall, they are both doing well, no big obvious problems. I suspect BPs starting sign is light stress (it was getting close) but the LST and moving the light up a little should help resolve that. Setup: Moved the light up, maybe a little too high but honestly that's mostly because I needed space for LST. Time to train these beauties into a more even shape and get those lower nodes a little more light. I have started off with main stem (naturally) and pinning some of the larger leaves back to encourage the side stems. Once those sides reach a decent size I want to try and train them out away from the body. Note: I started the LST last night and as you can see from the pics, yeah I already need to adjust it. Slow and steady is the name of the game with these lovelies, I swear those top pairs of leaves where not that big last night.) Nutes: Moving from just Fish-Mix and Alg-A-Mic to adding in our Flowering Nutes, Got a day to decide so going to research and will update. Day 26 22/10 Condition: Constant updates to the LST needed, they are growing beautifully and quick. Had a little loss with a lower growing tip getting caught and removed :( Only the very very tip which is so delicate, but it should recover. I definitely think I need to get a net in for ScrOG sooner rather than later but I will do what I can with LST for now. Also the plants are getting a little lighter at the flowering points and you can now see the girls are definitely girls. Seems we are right on schedule. SetUp: No change, the lights are where they will stay as I cant take it higher and I need to keep these plants down, net install coming up. Nutes: Just went for the recommended BioBizz schedule, so dropped the fishmix down a touch to account for the bloom and top max coming in, the game will be see how they down with it for a week then test a light increase to get the most out of these beauties.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 months ago
15 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
60 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 2 mll
Top-Max 1 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Day 29 25/10 Condition: Still going strong, maybe too strong. I think I have made an error in judgement, managing two plants in this tent is going to need more strict training. Currently LST gets updated near every day. Still they are growing well, the tips of stems are getting lighter so we are in pre-flower. Not the best time for me to defoliate I know, but so far its just one leaf from BP. One leaf I could not find a way to train out without it covering another flowing site as the damned thing is 20cm across! This is only a 45cmsqr footprint tent! I will be doing a slow defoliation over the next week, not looking to hit the 20% rule, just the bare minimum to to make sure I can get air and light through. Setup: net fro ScrOG will come in this week, after I have gotten the plant to shape. I'm going to monitor air flow a little closer and see if I need another fan to keep things fresh or if the extractor fan is enough. Nutes: I'm just following the BioBizz recommendations, while I think these plants could be raised to monsters by upping the levels. Seeing how they have grown I would actually be putting my self in a harder place to manage in my mini set up. Day 33 29/10 Condition: all seems pretty good, flowering sites are coming in fast and well defined. The defoliation I put the plants through seems to have barely phased it (I went for the lighter side) tempted to sneak in a few cleaning cuts of some lower leaves that are struggling due to being manhandled during watering. The plants are also taking pretty well to the ScrOG net that I set up. Smell is strong green classic cannabis smell atm. Setup: ScrOG net in place looks like I might squeak through on humidity, dropped some big dehumid packs into some of the slower moving air areas just in case. Nutes: No change just the good old BioBizz for their light soil. As I wont be messing with this now I will stop mentioning it unless an issue comes up. Halfway through grow Thoughts: If these keep getting bigger, I might have to see if a fellow farmer I know who harvested a month ago could take one of them on to flower and finish as they are much bigger than my first run. I have three more seeds for these and next time I'm putting just one of them in a slightly larger pot and want to try topping with LST and a heavy nute schedule, I reckon you could get a real heavy producer from just that.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 months ago
20 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
77 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 2 mll
Top-Max 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Day 36 1/11 Condition: We are in full flow flower, everything is starting to come in! Aside from that I have a couple of concerns, with a few red spots on some leaves and the humidity not coming down well :/ I will get more pics and keep an eye on it, should it look like it will spread there will be some more defoliation to try and stop it but as we have hit flowering I want to avoid it as much as I can. That being said I have seen a lot of recommendations to cull the lower buds if they aren't in ideal conditions soo I will mull over that. Setup: ScrOG and LST are doing the best they can, lamp is at max height and whilst these lovelies keep growing,trying to get more light I will try to keep them playing well together. Day 40 5/11 Condition: Everything is looking ok, I had to defoliate in the end :/ as the canopy was just too dense I had too many leaves tucked under and away from the buds it was just asking for a mold issue with how much air the blocked. I was careful and very selective in what got trimmed, Freed up the canopy and as you can kinda see from the pics more buds now see light. Speaking of the buds are coming in fast and some of them are already looking quiet thick with trichomes I have diagnosed the small rust spots down to calcium deficiency so I guess it's time to pick up a wee bottle of the cal-mag and dose them up a little, don't want these lovelies slowing down now. Setup: daily updates to the LST and ScrOG arrangement to keep air flow and light penetrating through.
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 months ago
20 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
77 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 3 mll
Top-Max 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 3 mll
Day 43 8/11 Condition: Weirdly apparent they are both feeling different about the conditions (the overhead shows it well), that being said both are doing well, some very very small rust looking spots that seem to be Cal deficiency so I'm going to throw a 0.2ml/l into the mix for a one off to make sure things are doing ok (a lil to stop it getting worse but not enough to cause a lockout.) The trichomes are coming in thick and we have around 3-4 weeks of growing left so I have high hopes (I will get a pic of that in soon). Setup: I bought another fan so now I have one for the under canopy and another for overhead, might be over kill a small tent like this but this ScrOG is forming a dense growth layer and the last thing I want is still sitting air to invite bud rot. Day 47 12/11 Condition: Lower leaves are slowly fading and dropping, looks like these lovelies are redirecting all energy and with the dense canopy at the net are taking everything out of low light leaves. Upper leaves are getting tinges of purples and looking lovely, the little touches of Calmag seem to be sorting everything out (my waters quiet hard so it surprising they needed it but to each their own). Flowers are getting thicker and trichomes are coming in all over now (they have been working their way down from the top) #Edit# As I was giving them a look over and water/feed I got brushed against a couple of flowers, they are delightfully sticky and the sweet berry smell is fucking insane! I legitimately didn't think it would actually be that sweet. Setup: The second fan seems to have done the trick in getting the air moving more, think we are looking good,
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 months ago
20 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
77 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 3 mll
Top-Max 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 3 mll
Day 50 15/11 Condition: We got some colour change to the leaves going purple, looking at other grows and genetic history that seems normal for a fairly cold environment for this strain. That said I also have rust spots on leaves, It's either a deficiency or a fungal infection. I have removed the most afflicted leaves to see how we go. As for the deficiency it could be a fair few from the online checks oooor just the plant slowly dropping back the leaves. Set up wont be changing untill drying soooo this section will stop. Day 54 19/11 Condition: The rust spots have spread but seems to have been working up the plant rather than air flow so deficiency. I will test a bump up to see if that slows the spread. That being said the buds are looking sweet and frosty getting bigger and better.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 months ago
20 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
77 %
19 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max 4 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Day 57 22/11 Condition: The top leaves are looking unhappy, those just under seem fine soooo this might be a stress issue ?? IT started from a lower offshoot on each plant that spread up but only on the top layer of leaves. Still that being said the buds are looking good, cant see the issue on their direct leaves and no signs of issues on the buds directly, Trichomes coming in nice many looking cloudy two more weeks should get us well into those nice amber colours we are in the home strech towards harvest. Day 61 26/11 Top leaves are crispy and struggling but the buds are looking good, I have dropped the light down to 12 will likely drop it down again before the week is out to make sure Im not burning my buds, a little stress ain't the end of the world but I want good buds. its just keeping these lovelies going and developing untill we hit that 20-30% amber over all buds.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 months ago
20 cm
12 hrs
18 °C
70 %
15 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max 4 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Day 64 29/11 Condition Everything seems to be maintaining, Buds coming in nicely, upper leaves suffering. If it continues I will drop down the light some more. All the upper buds are dark in leaves and the lower are classic green. The upper seem to be maturing faster than the lower, I am half considering doing a partial harvest to see how things go. Other than that I am just keeping an eye out for bud rot or signs of the leaf damage spreading to the buds. we will hit day 70 at the end of this week so this should be the last week, I'm in two minds about harvesting as I have some personal travel late Dec that will mean someone will need to burp the jars for me sooooo If I hold out for another week I can leave them drying and all should be fine. Not decided yet whats going to be the plan. (Note: The T Check images are for me to do comparison shots on a couple of buds from each plant to try and get a good idea of Trichome developement.) Day 68 3/12 Still going, The ends of some sugar leaves are showing the same stress and it is definitely from the light levels and getting to close. Lights are down to 10 hour and the Alg-a-mic has been bumped up to help the rest recover. That being said the trichomes are coming in thicker still so I have decided to keep them going. T check images are from the same buds as day 64 mostly if not the same angles
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 months ago
20 cm
10 hrs
18 °C
70 %
14 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max 4 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 6 mll
Day 71 6/12 We are in the final strech, just want a few more of those Trichomes to turn Amber and we will cut. But I have a hard cut off of the end of this week due to travel I have some one who will burp jars but is not onboard for final trimming and jarring after drying. Whilst Fastbuds said 70 days start to finish I think the light stress I have put these plants under has delayed us a little. but either way I am really impressed with how they have done. Day 75 10/12 Ok change in my plans and as there is still a good amount of clear / white trichomes I will be running a week longer :) want to hit that peak content, plus it means I can set everything to a low an slow dry while I'm away and should come out with as good an out come as I can, (couple of pics will come in later, dont have time for proper updates atm)
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 months ago
20 cm
10 hrs
17 °C
70 %
14 °C
4 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max 4 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 6 mll
Last week of Grow (sorry this is brief, family and work things kept me away from taking better notes) Photos from 79 (14/12) and 81 (16/12) Everything is ticking along. it's quiet cool the light burn isn't getting worse but trichomes turning amber is lower than hoped but I seem to have a +95% in the cloudy stage so we will run with it. Even with the fuck up with the light stress and low temps, this plant is beautiful. They literally glitter like fresh frost under bright lights. Harvest Day was Day 84 19/12
Week 12. Harvest
3 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Growing this was a blast, they took the nutrients and kept running fast. The smell is intense and the tolerated the low temps of a late end of seasons start very well. They might not of finished maturing as much as they should but my next grow in the spring will tell with that. If you are running a very small and discrete op like my self, stick to one plant these girls grow big and become a handful to manage in tight spaces but I recon with the right treatment (LST, Topping and ScrOG and a fuck load of nutes) 1 plant could be trained into a high producing monster. These plants seem to have been light stressed at the end and that has led to the buds being a little more airy and fluffy than dense, but good gods are these sticky and even after drying they glitter with trichomes
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Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
42 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Energetic, Giggly, Euphoric
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Earthy, Berries, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Harvest Day 84 19/12 Both plants came out lovely, I clipped off the big leaves and anything that looked too light burn and or didn't have trichomes, otherwise I leave them a little more natural, not a huge fan of the over clipped shape. Mostly left on stem and hung upside down. Jarring Day 95 30/12 Drying conditions where 12-18 degrees at 50-62% humidity so this was low and sloooow (perfect as I was out of town) quality looks ok, definitely a little fluffy but fuck me are they sticky and glittery. After a little more clipping of the sugar leaves my hands where so sticky I managed to roll a tiny (half the size of my little finger nail) temple ball from what was stuck my finger tips. Taste test was inconclusive as I'm an idiot who hasn't cleaned his dynavap in a month. Curing in the jars with Boveda 62% packs to make sure things are nice.
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Fast_Budscommentedweek 06 months ago
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
GToolscommentedweek 84 months ago
Hey growmie, just stumbled on your grow! Nice work. We must have had a similar inspiration naming our diaries! Had two SG in my last grow, they are very nice! Good harvest!👍
MrHappyCatcommented4 months ago
@GTools, Hey man, Your grow is looking fantastic too (wish I had that much space). Jane Goodall was just too easy to borrow a name from :)
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 35 months ago
They're looking good growmie 🤩
MrHappyCatcommented5 months ago
@BarneyRumble420, Cheers man! First time running this strain (or this breeder tbh) but I'm really impressed with them so far.
Rockafromspacecommentedweek 103 months ago
Excellent grow ⚡️♠️⚡️
Rockafromspacecommentedweek 122 months ago
Nice grow ⚡️♠️⚡️
the end.
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