This week has been great half way threw the week i changed to the next feed part of canna nutrients as it seemed to be way fattening up! So dropped off the pk 13/14 and droped off some of the A+B as I more of the nitrogen and we are past that part mostly. It is some killer killer in there i mean wow even with my circulation fan cranked it stinks in my garage stuff is loud. Smells of sweet and stink kinda pungent like a maker or something chemical it's so strong.
I have let some lady bugs go in there as I have seen some signs of spider mites and have done a few rounds of neem oil in the water as well for a soil drench has not progressed much really. The lady's seems to be happy and they are kinda a pretty accent to have in there i think having the living soul in there, Or many if u say!
So sticky just stuck like glue wow! Can way see the transformation over the last week has been crazy! In live with coco, my assumption going in was like hydro. U get some killer frost buds but no size....WRONG the size with coco is lil behind organic but still massive the swelling comes in last few months so we're in it now.
Stay up everyone!