Hi, everything's fine so far and the plants are starting to develop their real leaves.
Before moving into the growbox i sorted one girly out. She was developing much slower than the others.
1》 first real VEG-day; potted 4 rooted girls into 3.5l containers with BIOBIZZ soil light mix after 11 days inside the greenhouse; BIOBIZZ Root Juice (4ml/l)
2》 Foliar PUROLYT application
3》😎 lazy growers day, everything's fine
4》Root Juice (4ml/l) with the first CALMAG (2ml/l) since there is nearly no Mg in the Osmosis- and added tab-water of my city (tab=3mg Mg/l), at this stage i want ~22mg Mg/l
I watered from beneath this time so that the whole pot gets completly wet and the primarly down growing roots get moistered enough. Plants ♡ it
5》 Preperation of the growbox, desinfection
6》Purolyt foliar
7》Finally the girls moved into their growing box (a few more things have to be fixed inside there but it's already cosy enough for them)
EC: 0.3
RH: 65 - 75%
VPD: 0,45 - 0.65
Airtemp: 24°C day, 19 °C night
Leaftemp: 23,5°C