Colour explosion. Purple is taking over completely. There's very few leaves left that has not turned a deep purple-amber. The colas are looking super. Now just waiting for them to fatten up.
Something that is really obvious with this strain is the incredibly large fan leaves. The plant is only 75cm high, but the fan leaves are bigger than 30cm in diameter. There are about 7 of these big ones. I started to trim some of the foliage away to improve light penetration - taking 1 big leaf and 3 smaller ones every 4 days. I placed the leaf in a 30cmx30cm double-glass portrait. I'll take a photo of it and upload as well in the next days.
I stopped adding cal/mag .
Added another dose of Green House Feeding BioBloom.
The plant is growing in a Lechuza pot. So the excess water collects at the bottom. I then syphon it out and re-water the plant every few days. This is an absolute game-changer - as I never have to worry about overwatering.
@420Undergrow, dankeschön! Ich habe die "Freenove 8MP" bei Amazon gekauft und an meinem RPi verbunden. Ich teile gerne das Source Code, falls du interesse hast :)
Ich habe es trotzdem auf GitHub hochgeladen: