I'll add some photos tomorrow. For now just wanted to update regarding the smell. First things first, the carbon filter works really well. There is almost no smell in the room (I can't smell anything, but my wife insists there is a faint smell). When you open the tent, there is a pretty decent smell coming through... but it doesn't smell like cannabis. To me it smells rather like hops (they are related, after all). My wife describes it as a minty-cannabis smell. But I insist that it's hops (I have 2 hop plants and brew beer rather regularly - so I think I'll call myself the profi here xD)
She's also rather thirsty. Added 2l yesterday and she used all of it. The Lechuza pot was empty. I added another 2l today (Friday) and will monitor her thirst. I'll only again add some water on Sunday or Monday.
I had some pH problems with my water :/ Needed to make some adjustments - just hope I didn't damage the lady too much :(
@420Undergrow, dankeschön! Ich habe die "Freenove 8MP" bei Amazon gekauft und an meinem RPi verbunden. Ich teile gerne das Source Code, falls du interesse hast :)
Ich habe es trotzdem auf GitHub hochgeladen: https://github.com/QixxGrows/TimeLapse/