

3 hours ago
ACINFINITY self-watering bases
Room Type
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Germination Method
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 6%
Strawberry Cheesecake Auto
Avg. success
Seedsman - 92%
Strawberry Cheesecake Auto - 99%
Commented by
3 hours ago
Seeds were germinated in the Cannnakan. Seeds were soaked in 90% distilled water/10% peroxide. They were put in at 7:30pm on Friday night. By Saturday morning the seeds had popped, but left them in there. On Saturday night (24h later) I dumped out most of the water only leaving about 15% solution in the Kan. I replaced the lid and left seeds to steam on the heating pad. On Sunday morning the seeds were ready to plant. I hydrated the coco in the grow bags and placed the seeds in and misted with water only. I placed a clear solo cup to help with heat and humidity.
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