Repeat after me, dear over 18 children: glutony is bad.
Just because 6 11 L pots fit, that does not mean having all of them used is a good idea, specially if you couldnt lollypop/defoliate.
Humidity has been rising insanely and opening the tent + windows + exhaustor vent and 3 other fans can barely keep it at 65%
@Legendaryseedthumb, thanks, man. I can hardly believe them myself. Before this, i only threw bag seeds around to see what would happen, never controlled or payed attention to anything. So i never expected anywhere near where this is going now.
Yours also seem like lovely girls :)
looks nice! flushing is ok. Its not bad but also not helpful if there isn't a problem like toxicity. But its a lot of effort, but it can't hurt to have done it once haha.
That harvest will be lit!