Both plants are transitioning at a sub-optimal pace, slightly inhibited by lack of phosphorus in the soil, slight excess of nitrogen and lack of space & light.
She is giving off an extremely strong cotton-candy-sweet -smell, zero herbal notes, just a pure- sweet fragrance; loveit! :)
It's nice to have about zero skunky/herbal notes in the grow-room as I have no urge whatsoever to grow loud skunky strains at the moment. I find myself bent over this one more often than I'd like to admit, sniffing in the sweet aroma; my precious!
Mental note: keep the nitrogen lower at flower transition, espec when the soil is full of tobacco-compost, bone & blood-meal xD
**This specimen has the purest scent of sweetness I've ever grown! I know they named it --Future #1, but my project name will be 'The pure'.
I've never stumbled upon a strain before that is just sweet, not herbal sweet, not sweet with a touch of lime; NO! Just sweet! xD.
I love that I came by your page, I really like what I see!. If you have time to spare, I have some crazy things going on right now so feel free to come over if you’d like.
Best of wishes. 💜
@valiotoro, yes! my favourite haha 😊.
Growing X247a and Tasmanian special at the moment.
In the near future I'll put all my efforts into papaver somniferum! Afghan Izmir/Galania special in particular! 😍.