Humidity at 60-70%
Temperature at 22-25°C
Light at 50% power, on from 6 AM to midnight (18 hours)
Fan: off
Ignore my nutrient specs, read this
- Mix with Soil (in my case BioBizz light mix)
- 8tbsp Startrex (2tbsp per 5 litre)
- 1tbsp Mycortrex into the plotting hole
- Bury 2 Biotabs slightly deeper in the soil around the seedling.
(idk if its necessary to know but i compressed the lower 1/3 of the dirt a little bit)
#planting the little girl in the big pot with the soil#
- Mix with first watering
- 2tsp bactrex (1tsp per litre)
- 40ml Orgatrex (20ml per litre)
#and watering it with it#