The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Micro PC Grow Gone 5x5!

6 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/600W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/950W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
38 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
2.54 cm
24 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
104 PPM
66 %
16 °C
16 °C
21 °C
2 L
4 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Clonex Solution 5 mll
Hygrozyme 2.113 mll
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 0.793 mll
😈 Only On It'z 3 Day Of It'z 12 Week Binge! I Can Alwayz See Her Name Disintegrating From Their Lipz! "3rd Day" 😈-[V][V]-😈 Day 4 And Already Show'n Root! Using Clonex Water Solution In RO Water Ph'd Down To 6.5 And 2 T8 6500k Fluorescent 2' Tubez! 🌱 Day 5! She'z Reach'n For The Sky With Her Root Get'n Longer! After Her 2nd Node And Fan Leaf Im'a Put Her On The Juice! (Emerald Harvest'z) Cali Pro Gro A-B, Emerald Goddess, Root Wizzard And Study Stalk Into RO Water Ph'd To 6.8! After Her 6th Node And Fan Leaf! Move'n Her Into Her Lucious Condo! To Start Her Low Strezz Workout'z, Manicure'n And Scrog'n! Im'a Start Add'n (Emerald Harvest'z) Honey Chome And King Kola To Her Mix! Until She Hit'z Puberty! Once She Get'z A Little Fuzz On Her Peach! I'll Switch Out The Cali Pro Gro A-B With Cali Pro Gro Bloom A-B And (Emerald Harvest'z) Cal-Mag Keep'n Her Drink At A Chilly 59° And Her Air At 68° All While Get'n Her Hook'd Like A Crackhead On Co2! After That, 1-2 Weekz B4 She'z Ready To Pop! Im'a Starve Her Little Azz Cauze It'z Flush Time! (Botanicare'z) Clearex And RO Water Only! Don't Want Terrible Tasting Headaches! 🌱 After The 1'st Week I'll Only Be Updating Once A Week Unless Something Spectacular Happenz With The PC Grow. I Got To Much To Do With The New Big Auto Grow! Man I Love Fastbudz! Thiz Run Will Be FB'z GG Auto Fem And FB'z Six Shooter Auto Fem Som It Shoulb Be Exiciting! But Back To The Micro PC Grow! I Just Posted This Morning Day 5 And Damn! Big Difference From Thiz Morning! It'z The End Of Day 5 And The Rootz Are Fill'n The Grodan Like It'z Last'z Year'z Shoe! It'z Get'n Straight Shwifty! 😈🌱Day 6! Hey! Your A Crazy Bitch! But You Fuck So Good I'm On Top Of It! When I Dream I'm Doing You All Night! Scratcez All Down My Back I Keep It Right On! Crazy Bitch, Crazy Bitch, Crazy Bitch! "Crazy Bitch" Buckcherry🌱😈
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
8.89 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
58 %
17 °C
16 °C
21 °C
2 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 0.793 mll
Cali Pro Bloom B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom B 0.793 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
Transplanted Into Micro PC Grow Room On 1/21/19 At 10 am. Experienced Mild Stress As The Leafs Indicated Slight Wilting. 2 Hours After Settling Into Her New Spot. Observed Stress Relief. As The Leaf's Indicated By Stretching Upward For More Light Intake. Will Be Adding Growstones Tomorrow. After A Full Days Rest. All In All Not A Bad Transition Overall! As She Seems To Like Her New Spot. Air Temp Maintaining At A Comfortable 70 Degrees F. With Water At 60 And A Ph At 6.3! Day 9 Second Nodes And Fan Leafs. Roots Are Exploding! Got Here Hooked like A Crack Head On Emerald Goddess Green Crack. Splash'd Her With R.O. Water! Progress Is Stable And Looking Good! Tomorrow Jan 29 begins week 3 and top'n along with low stress training. Will be customizing a metal net file basket into a scog system for the begining of week 4 as I will be training her for vigorous sideway grow to maximize yield. I am just hoping I have the time as i think it will be flowering sometime in the late 4th to middle of the 5th week! Will update with week 3 photos soon!
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
16.51 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
640 PPM
51 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
2 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 0.793 mll
Cali Pro Bloom B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom B 0.793 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
Day 1 Week 3! Went out and bought a Hydrologic RO 1 to 1 system and a thermometer/hygrometer with a remote screen and a couple of check valvez for the air pump! Also A Hydrologic Filtration System For My Dehimidifier Reclamation Condisation. So I can use the water I pull out of the air to fill my Res in my 10' x 7' x 8'. Other then that she pretty much still vertical with her roots exploding. Going to TOP this week then start LST. I will be install'n the scrog sometime early next week yeeee! Time for her hair cut tomorrow and LST! Got'a get her to bush out to fill the box! Going friday to office depot to get a scrog system in place b4 trim'n! Going to put her through some strezz in the next few day'z. Her rootz look like they can handle it. Her continuious ph meter finaly show'd up today! Ordered it back in the first week of December straight out'a Hong Kong Fuey! Lol couldn't beat the price! Damn I just added Emerald Harvest'z Sturdy Stalk on Tuesday Jan 29th and man you can tell! She'z get'n gerthy! She Iz Strezz'd The Fuck Out! Recoop'd and working out! I normaly wait till after the 6th set but considering she'z in a tight squezz I want to make the most of her studio apartment so I top'd sooner! It looks like shez taking it swell! She'z look'n titz in her train'n. Went out and bought a file basket to fabricate into a scrog system and it'z perfect couse I had to trim it but it'z going to fit right in the twat zone! I couldn't be happy'r. 1 mabey 2 more topz and train'n sessions and it'z on! Thiz iz my, beautiful show and everything iz shot in Slo-Mo-tion! -[V][V]- H8 To Say It buy After Thiz Micro Grow Iz Done Im Cleaning The Pc Grow Box! Im Relining The Mylar Wall With New Mylar I'm Going 2 Auctioning It On Ebay Under "Micro Pc Personal Grow 600 Watt Complete Grow System! By Then It Will Be Complete With A Micro Co2 Paintball Tank Size Enrichment System With Monitor And Control. RDWC Hydroponic Drip System With Air Stoned Reservoir And Pot, Continuous PH Monitor. Air Temperature Fan Control Monitor.With Alarm Digital Backlit Touch Screen! Magnitiziezed Air Duct Covers And 600 Watt Full Spec Led light System, 63 GPH Recirculating Micro Pump With Everything DC/AC Adapted,Digital 24 hr Timer! And Water Temp Iz Steady At 65 -70 Degrezz With Out The 1/2" 100 Watt 30 LPM Temp Controlled Electrostatic Water Chiller Installed Yet. Being Winter It's Maintaining With Out Water Cooling! It Truly Holdz The Perfect Conditions. This Plant Iz 100 Healthy With Zero Indications Of Strezz! Start'n A Micro (RENFS) Recirculating Ebb-N-Flow System! Seed 2 Tranzplant Micro System! Stay Tuned! Tomorrowz The Start Of Week 4! Res Swap, 2nd Topping And Continuous Training! Got To Fill the Scrog!!!
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
398 PPM
51 %
18 °C
22 °C
21 °C
2 L
0 L
41.91 cm
Nutrients 7
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 0.793 mll
Cali Pro Bloom B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom B 0.793 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
Started Week 4 With Trim! Expecting To Fill The Scrog! Lol, no pic'z of her today she'z beat up! Put'n her through agrezzive high rate mid strezz train'n and she'z kaput & need'z rest! But on the other hand! Installer hear fuck'n water chill'r and thizz little fk'r get'z cold az hell lol.... Pic the peep'z! Lol Went rook mode and broke a node...... Would u chill, chill, chill 4 me!!! Get'n ready to defoliat tomorrow. Before I start it through scrog'n. Switcher her to bloom cycle she'z ready! Week 5 Monday Feb 18 Adding King Kola & Switch'n To Cali Pro Bloom A/B With A 12x12! Last Snapz B4 Flower!
Week 5. Flowering
6 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
674 PPM
50 %
18 °C
23 °C
21 °C
38 L
23 L
60.96 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
Cali Pro Bloom A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom A 0.793 mll
Cali Pro Bloom B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom B 1.585 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
Week 5 Photo Shoot Take 5... Shez Only Going To have 8 Kolaz Because I Accidently Broke Her Back 2 Off! But She'z Taking Off! Going To Maintain LST'n Though Out Photo! Hopefully I Can Fill Thizz PC Case Up! Need Picz For It'z Ebay Auction! Decided just to roll with a 20lb'r itz big but lezz hassle and lookz nice. Made her beauti ring got the controller wait'n amazone 4 the solonoid regulator! Then It'z Beast Mode! GSC! I'm guezz'n 4 maybe 5 oz'z at harvest! Shoot a guezz at me! I would love to hear it and who no'z! Using Co2 az well! 😈 O.M. GoOdNeZz! She'z Blow'n Up On That Cali Pro Bloom A-B & King kola! Emerald Harvest Ain't No Joke! Boooom MoonDro! 🛸👽🛸 Had to switch her into her own RDWC System in a 5x5. Slap'd a ac and dehumidifier she waz get'n out of control for that pc case. I quickly rig'd up a gravity drain manual water ebb-n-flow cocomix system. Going to run Gorilla Glue #4 Fem so letz see how thizz goez!
Week 6. Flowering
6 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
725 PPM
52 %
19 °C
21 °C
21 °C
38 L
23 L
60.96 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
Cali Pro Bloom A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom A 0.793 mll
Cali Pro Bloom B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Bloom B 1.585 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
I Had To Put Her N A Tent! She Waz Get'n Out Of Control And With My Other Growz I Just Didn't Have The Time To Bonsai Endlessly! She'z Got A Real Nice Spacious Spot! So She Can Finish Squirt'n! The GSC Girl Went From A Micro Pc Grow To A Loaded 5x5 Highrise! She'z Got It All! AC, Dehumidifier, Humidifier, Water Chiller, Co2 Controlled Injection, 950w FS LED All In A RDWC System! Oh & Most Importantly! Emerald Harvest! At A Constant Concise Water Temp Of 65, Air Temp Of 70-72, A RH Of 49-52% & A Continuously Monitored PH Of 5.5-6.2 Along With Weekly Res Changes In Enriched R.O. Water! I'm Hoping For A Big Yield And High THC Percentages! She'z looking real good rapping up her 2nd week of flower 6-7 to go exited to see how much she growz specially with the Co2 enrichment. I can total see the difference by not having that extra node I broke in her 3 week of veg. That could'a been 2 more kolaz! Oh well will see!
Grow Questions
HempnainteZstarted grow question 6 years ago
Ok I am attempting to clone Autoz. So far I'm seeing great results. I took them at week 4 and all are surviving great. Maybe to great they are approaching a full week on monday and look like they are attemping to root but nothing so far. PH, TDS, EC are perfect? WDID?
Plant. Twisted
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 6 years ago
I am cloning some autos now also. Pretty sure its not going to work because its going to be hard to keep them in flower. Thats why I didnt start a diary yet. For them to root just keep the root moist and temps not too high. I dont use root hormones or anything but it would speed up the rooting. In plain bubbled water they usually root in about 14 days for me on average. I got a diary monitoring my fire og clones I am trying to root now.


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CommanderCannabiscommentedweek 56 years ago
nice setup
HempnainteZcommented6 years ago
@CommanderCannabis, TY!, I just added a Co2 injection system wanna see how much i can squeez out at auction time on ebay
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 16 years ago
Started my first auto grow a little behind you. Good luck with yours. I will be watching it.
HempnainteZcommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, Fo Sho!
ctm_dzagicommentedweek 16 years ago
man why hydro? not coco? interesting to see potential, but you can easy full this case with 6 liters of coco
HempnainteZcommented6 years ago
Thank'x But No Thank'x!
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 16 years ago
very Nice setup impressing
HempnainteZcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Y Ty Hope'n I get DOTM!
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 16 years ago
There is another computercase microgrow... He made #1 in december
HempnainteZcommentedweek 26 years ago
Ty! Your'z Iz Look'n Titz 2!
HempnainteZcommentedweek 16 years ago
YUCK! Hydroponicly Speak'n! That All I Do! It'z Hygro Or No Grow!
HempnainteZcommentedweek 16 years ago
I no I saw it! Ty your awesome! I'm following you now cause I dig ur work! Thankz again!
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 26 years ago
Looking good!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 16 years ago
Thanks for choosing our genetics, good luck!! We’re really looking forward to it! Enjoy Growing Faster 😀
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 66 years ago
I meant veg not flower....
HempnainteZcommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, ty bro it look like im just being impatient i guess cause today some of the bigger clonez start poking out a little. I took the clonez early enough that i shouldn't lose to much veg time im thinkn i'll get 85% of mother life i got the mother snd im going to just flower her out cause she'z got all her bottom stemz and top but she'z looking kinda like a trident lol if I squirtz some decent kolaz i should be ok. She'z Six Shooter Auto Fem Out'a fastbudz
HempnainteZcommentedweek 16 years ago
🌱 Day 5! She'z Reach'n For The Sky With Her Root Get'n Longer! After Her 2nd Node And Fan Leaf Im'a Put Her On The Juice! (Emerald Harvest'z) Cali Pro Gro A-B, Emerald Goddess, Root Wizzard And Study Stalk Into RO Water Ph'd To 6.8! After Her 6th Node And Fan Leaf! Move'n Her Into Her Lucious Condo! To Start Her Low Strezz Workout'z, Manicure'n And Scrog'n! Im'a Start Add'n (Emerald Harvest'z) Honey Chome And King Kola To Her Mix! Until She Hit'z Puberty! Once She Get'z A Little Fuzz On Her Peach! I'll Switch Out The Cali Pro Gro A-B With Cali Pro Gro Bloom A-B And (Emerald Harvest'z) Cal-Mag Keep'n Her Drink At A Chilly 59° And Her Air At 68° All While Get'n Her Hook'd Like A Crackhead On Co2! After That, 1-2 Weekz B4 She'z Ready To Pop! Im'a Starve Her Little Azz Cauze It'z Flush Time! (Botanicare'z) Clearex And RO Water Only! Don't Want Terrible Tasting Headaches! 🌱
HempnainteZcommentedweek 16 years ago
Thank you very much as im proud of the Fastbud's lineup! I am also hyroponicly (RDWC) growing 3 GG Auto Fem'z and 3 Six Shooter Auto Fem'z I bought from Single Seed Company because I tried getting them through the 2fast4buds site unfortunatly could not due to U. S. Sale restrictions. But all that matters is, I have them and I say ''Fastbuds'' Yeeeeee! Look me up on Facebook (Fonsi Fer Damorningstar) as I am constanly promoting Fastbuds! Thank You!
HempnainteZcommentedweek 16 years ago
Jesus Crisis! Only On There 4th Day And Already Show'n Root'n All I'm Using At This Time Iz Clonex Water Solution In RO Water Ph'd Down To 6.5 And 2 T8 6500k 2' Tubez! Nice!
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