Day 22 - She's taking on a similar look to her Sour Crack sister at this point. I haven't had to LST her as hard as she seems to have fewer tops developing. The other Sam's Cracks that I have seen that are further along lean toward massive so I'm going to ease off of her unless she looks like she's struggling to spread out.
Day 23 - Today she needed a bit of spreading out again. Second time I've done LST on her. She doesn't seem to have as many tops as the Sour Crack, which lends to a little bit less work tucking and pulling it seems. Sam's Crack is an interesting plant and I'd love to see more of her from Mephisto.
Day 24 - She's turning into a bush!
Day 22 - She's taking on a similar look to her Sour Crack sister at this point. I haven't had to LST her as hard as she seems to have fewer tops developing. The other Sam's Cracks that I have seen that are further along lean toward massive so I'm going to ease off of her unless she looks like she's struggling to spread out.
Day 23 - Today she needed a bit of spreading out again. Second time I've done LST on her. She doesn't seem to have as many tops as the Sour Crack, which lends to a little bit less work tucking and pulling it seems. Sam's Crack is an interesting plant and I'd love to see more of her from Mephisto.
As this strain is generally an unknown commodity, and the only other growers I have seen are at most ten or so days ahead of me, she remains full of surprises. As the week progresses I'll add more here, but it's unknown territory at this point where she's gonna go, so I'll refrain from prognosticating.
Day 25 - She is so low to the ground all of her mass is fat and bushy so I'm not how sure how tall she'd be, but she sure has mass!
Day 28 - She's almost caught up with her Sour sister! Really bulking up now.
@Hexus, So far so good! I won't even post my grow. I'm shy on here for some reason. lol. Nice plant though! She's looking thick, and I know those buds are gonna be dannnkkk.
@clos13, thanks so much! Trying to keep them as wide as possible before they stretch so I have enough room. :-D Tent is only 60" tall and I put a wire shelf unit in there, raising everything six inches up, so I have about 30 inches of room when the lights are all the way up. May have to supercrop if things get out of control, but doing this work early should save me some grief. At least I hope so. :-D
I have some Sam's crack seeds as well that were given as freebies, so I'm curious as to how she's going to grow! Following along!
Good Luck and Happy Growing!
@flowerbudder, Thanks much! I'm fascinated with how they're going to turn out. Sour crack speed + Samsquanch yields would be amazeballs! Somewhere in between the two would be just peachy.