
HSC Double Winter Indoor Run '24

9 days ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Granny Candy
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Granny Candy - 100%
Apple Blossom
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Apple Blossom - 94%
Farmer’s Daughter
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Farmer’s Daughter - 100%
Humboldt Sour Diesel
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Humboldt Sour Diesel - 93%
Orange Creampop
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Orange Creampop - 66%
Poddy Mouth
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Poddy Mouth - 98%
Mango Sherbert
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 90%
Mango Sherbert - 83%
Commented by
Elektrolurch Elektrolurch
a month ago
Started germination today in our shop. Gonna check on Monday how the seeds are. I was positively surprised when I saw the seeds, every single one is thick af!
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Elektrolurchcommentedweek 0a month ago
@Pi_growing, geht um die HSC aus den USA, die haben jetzt ein EU Warehouse. Die HSO agiert in Europa afaik mittlerweile als DNA Genetics, kann aber auch nur der übliche Gossip sein.
Growbodycommentedweek 0a month ago
Wow, was für ein Equipment! Hast du extra angebaut oder ein paar Zimmer übrig? 😉 Deine Infos über den Zustand der Samen finde ich bemerkenswert. 👍 Ich wünsch dir viel Freude beim wachsensehen. 😀
Growbodycommenteda month ago
@Elektrolurch, bist du ein Fan von Manni Neumaier oder Guru Guru?
Growbodycommenteda month ago
@Elektrolurch, Boah, viel Spass bei der Kunst!
Elektrolurchcommenteda month ago
@Growbody, Danke sehr!^-^ Ich arbeite in einem Shop, von daher kann ich mich da verkünsteln. Absolut tolles Privileg!
Elektrolurchcommentedweek 0a month ago
All have popped aaaaaand *drums wooshing* I fucked up a bit. After I transformed the EZs into small pots (screw my impatient ass!) already I left the cloudy dome on the propagator that night. They grew too long (in Germany we say Spargeln and that's fucking cute), but I still got one transplantation left anyway.
Elektrolurchcommentedweek 0a month ago
After 60h 6/7 seeds have popped with already pretty long tails. Only the Poddy Mouth is late for the fest.
Elektrolurchcommentedweek 0a month ago
Hey fellow growers! We're two German dudes writing a double diary since we make a parallel run. After several years of outdoor growing I decided to start my first indoor run. As soon as the seeds sprouted I'll have them in a propagator under a dimmed Mars Hydro TS-1000. 3 seedlings gonna be transplanted in 15L autobots, 3 in regular pots. Nutrition and fertilization with Biotabs and change to 100w going up to 260w in the upcoming weeks. We're planning to veg for 4-6w, doing tie down lst, topping and defoliation. All plants will flower at home. 3 in a Homebox R120 with Sanlight Evo 4 120, the other ones under the Mars Hydro TF 1000 in a 80x80 zelsius tent.
Cannabalcommentedweek 0a month ago
Good luck with your grow bro! I hope you germinate every single one of these bad boys!
Elektrolurchcommenteda month ago
@Cannabal, germinationrate of 100%, mostly in less than 36h, I am really impressed. Based on that experience I had to place an order for a load of seeds for our shop^^
Elektrolurchcommentedweek 316 days ago
Sorry for the 2 weeks of silence, I had way too much to do at the shop. Luckily I got a new employee who seems to be the golden ticket. But that's something else. All have developed unbelievably fast. Its very nitpicky, but they grow so strong that I have trouble with LST. Also mainlining wasn't planned (that early) after all, but after I topped the Apple Blossom I ripped of both branches on the node below with my clumsy little fingers. :') I was totally worried until I found out I just did mainlining. Phew! Currently I am thinking about flipping them with a few days between each planned (luckily I got two grow boxes), that I can continuously harvest one and put one new in. With 6 plants fitting in the flowering tent that should be possible, I guess. But I'll have some more thoughts on that subject and wanna wait for some advice before I do something stoopid.^^
Pi_growingcommentedweek 0a month ago
Nice, wo hast bestellt?
Elektrolurchcommenteda month ago
@Pi_growing, direkt bei Humboldt, die habe mittlerweile nen EU Store
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