Elektrolurchcommentedweek 316 days ago
Sorry for the 2 weeks of silence, I had way too much to do at the shop. Luckily I got a new employee who seems to be the golden ticket. But that's something else.
All have developed unbelievably fast. Its very nitpicky, but they grow so strong that I have trouble with LST.
Also mainlining wasn't planned (that early) after all, but after I topped the Apple Blossom I ripped of both branches on the node below with my clumsy little fingers. :') I was totally worried until I found out I just did mainlining. Phew!
Currently I am thinking about flipping them with a few days between each planned (luckily I got two grow boxes), that I can continuously harvest one and put one new in. With 6 plants fitting in the flowering tent that should be possible, I guess. But I'll have some more thoughts on that subject and wanna wait for some advice before I do something stoopid.^^