
Strawberry Cheesecake Auto

a month ago
Strawberry Cheesecake
Smiley Seeds
Room Type
12 l
Pot Size
0.22 l
Grow Conditions
Week 11
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
GreenmachineZA GreenmachineZA
a month ago
Sept 08 - Day 30 - Height: 23cm 3rd Feeding: 0.5ml/L TNT 0.25 ml/L Bloom PH 5.92 (4x drops PH down) Sept 09 - Day 31 - Height: 24cm Sept 10 - Day 32 - Height: 26cm Sept 11 - Day 33 (Cloudy - Led 20w all day) - Height: 28cm Sept 12 - Day 34 - Height: 29cm Sept 13 - Day 35 - Height: 31.5cm 4th Feeding: 1 ml/L TNT 0.5 ml/L Bloom 0.5 ml/L Symbionics PH 5.95 (3x drops PH down) ** 40W LED lights Installed Sept 14 - Day 36 (4cm Growth Overnight!) - Height: 35.5cm Sept 15 - Day 37 - Height: 37.5cm Sept 16 - Day 38 - Height: 40.5cm Sept 17 - Day 39 - Height: 42.5cm Sept 18 - Day 40 - Height: 44.5cm 5th Feeding: 2.5ml/L TNT 1ml/L Bloom PH 5.98 (4x drops PH down) Sept 19 - Day 41 - Height: 45.5cm (1cm Growth Overnight) Sept 20 - Day 42 (Stake Root damage happened yesterday) - Height: 47cm Sept 21 - Day 43 (0.5cm Growth Overnight) - Height: 47.5cm Feeding: 5ml/L Molasses - Foilary Spray Sept 22 - Day 44 - Height: 48.5cm (Additional 20W Led added, total 80W / 4 x 20W.) Sept 23 - Day 45 - Height: 49.5cm Sept 24 - Day 46 - Height: 51cm 6th Feeding: 2ml/L TNT 1ml/L Bloom 2ml/L CalMag 60ml/L Terpene Booster PH 6.05 (4x drops PH down) - *1200ml Solution Sept 25 - Day 47 - Height: 52cm Sept 26 - Day 48 - Height: 52.5cm Sept 27 - Day 49 (Height may have stagnated) - Height: 52.5 cm Sept 28 - Day 50 - Height: 52.5cm Sept 29 - Day 51 - Height: 52.5cm 7th Feeding: 2ml/L TNT (x2) 3ml/L Bloom (x2) 2ml/L CalMag (x2) 10 x ml/L Molasses (x2) PH 5.99 (+-15 drops PH down) - ** 2L Solution to try flush older Nutrients. - The 2L feeding only had a normal amount of runoff at the bottom. - Try feeding only +- 1.5L next feeding and wait a few minutes to see if runoff happens sooner due to this heavy watering/ feeding. Sept 30 - Day 52 - Height: 52.5cm Oct 01 - Day 53 - Height: 52.5cm Oct 02 - Day 54 - Height: 53cm Oct 03 - Day 55 - Height: 53cm Oct 04 - Day 56 - Height: 53cm Oct 05 - Day 57 - Height: 53cm 8th Feeding: 1.5ml/L TNT (x2) 4ml/L Bloom (x2) 2ml/L CalMag (x2) 60 x ml/L Terpine Booster (x2) PH 6.00 ( 25 drops PH down) - 2L Solution was given and had normal amount of run-off. Oct 10 - Day 62 9th Feeding: 1.5ml/L TNT (x2) 4ml/L Bloom (x2) 2ml/L CalMag (x2) 10ml/L Molasses (x2) PH 6.02 ( 27 drops PH down) - 2L Solution was given and had normal amount of run-off. Oct 16 - Day 68 1st Water Flush: - 10L Water only (5 x 2L) - PH: 6.00(1 drop PH down) - Last runoff was still a proper urine colour yellow.
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