Started LST with garden stakes this week. Slightly twisting the main stem to adjust the leaves so every branch is getting light. I also snipped off the lowest branches at day 23. I increased the amount of water given from 1 c to 3 c. because I had been underwatering. This seems to have worked well because I have been seeing explosive growth. She’s grown 4.5” this week and is very healthy. She’s 9” tall now. I don’t have much vertical space and after doing some math, I realized that she’d be touching my light or very close to it after the stretch so I decided to top at the 6th node on day 27. Still giving just water ph to 6.5 and plan to amend the soil next week.
@Xpie77, which is what I’m finding out. I used half of what the bag suggested thinking that would be ok but I guess I still need to use less. Maybe 1/3 of the suggested amount next time.