Sweet bush of luxury taste... that is what I can say about that :D
Sweet Citrus, dirt and wood aroma is in room where is that box. I love that.
So back to this bonsai :D
Sometimes I eliminates big leaves but no more training.
We are neer to finish 😍
15.4. 7:48 - Resin on leaves is here, aroma shot me through doors of box.
2 maximaly 4 weeks to harwest 😻
You want my advise: don't start topping/straining until week 5 and only if you see the number of leaflets increasing steadily. The leaflets going back in number is a sure sign of (severe) stress.
Only do one heavy maneuver every week. Don't tie one day, top the next and tie some extra the day after that. These beings of green breath slowly.
You can watch all you want but refrain from touching it ! It's not a pet and most pets don't like excessive petting anyway !
@Sweet_Seeds, I like your crosses so much! I grow Jack 47 original last year and this seed I get from one of plants.. So Im now like some sado-maso cruel man who doing too cruel things to test what Jack 47 can stand... and this ... IS STRONG STRAIN!!! 😎