
Granddaddy Purple - Farm #19

3 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
ButterfliesLittleFarm ButterfliesLittleFarm
18 days ago
Hello Diary, Granddaddy Purple has finished its first week of vegetation. As you can see from the photos, Granddaddy looks strange. It's like he's disabled, one side of the plant is stunted, so for now it's sprouting leaves from three sides. It's not symmetrical. But I think that will correct itself as soon as the plant reaches a certain height. When it was the official first day of growth, Granddaddy looked pretty miserable, but by the seventh day it was looking much, much better. It's growing a little slower compared to its roommates in the grow box, but 4 cm at the end of the first week isn't that bad. The conditions on the Farm are good, the temperature is around 26 degrees and the humidity is around 50%. The lights are currently on 40% power and 35 cm above the plants. The lights have been set to 18/6 since the first day of vegetation. Watering is not as frequent and abundant at this stage. I've watered the plants twice this week. I prepare 4 liters of water and water all three plants with that amount every 4-5 days. I started adding CalMg and Bio Grow Fertilizer with every watering. I put CalMg 1 ml/liter preventively and 1.5 ml/liter Bio Grow Fertilizer, then I lower the p.H. to 6.0 Here's what the past week looked like. 30/10/2024 - Day 1. Officially the first day of vegetation. After taking pictures, I watered all three plants and measured how much they had grown. Granddaddy grew 2.5 cm. and is currently the shortest of all three plants on the Farm. I set the light timer to 18/6 04/11/2024 - Day 6. Watering. I prepared 4 liters of water, added CalMg and Bio Grow Fertilizer and watered all three plants with that amount of water. 05/11/2024 - Day 7. End of the first week of vegetation. Photographing and measuring the height of the plants. Granddaddy Purple Auto - Day 7. - 4 cm That's all from me for this week, see you soon with another update.
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