
Stepping up my game

16 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
19 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Commented by
derutatu derutatu
16 days ago
Day 19 - Topped 4 Day 20 - Topped 4 One of them took big damage during my PH pen issues and I decided not to top her; She is in the middle at the front door, so I have room to apply some LST. I also started to feed with the hydro halos (was by water until 2 days ago) 2 times/day, about 1L / run to each; I still have to do some adjustments to the drippers as some get less, but I will get there; As long as I don't get salt build up, I'm happy. I don't know when it's the best time to start the scrog so in this case, I might as well start now. I'll keep you updated!
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Fast_Budscommentedweek 0a month ago
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
derutatucommenteda month ago
@Fast_Buds, appreciate it!
BlocZcommentedweek 0a month ago
Hi buddy, your installation is very pretty, I really want to follow all this 😉✌️ I don't know how big your space is, but I'm a little afraid that you will run out of space very quickly. I don't know if this is the phenotype I had, but orange sherbet has a very large and very long stretch. It is the largest in my box and I have enhanced all the others. I did a topping once and LST, and 4 plants take almost entirely 140x140. Not to mention the height. I'm going to update my diary tomorrow, I'll take pictures of all this 😉
derutatucommenteda month ago
Hello! thanks for following! The tent is 5x5 (150x150cm), I think it will get crowded too. I will try to fill the net as much as possible, and will try to find a way to keep the stretch under control, maybe supercropping, depending on how they will perform; I will have time to research ways to keep the stretch under control. The lights that I am using is pretty good (also measuring it constantly and supplying correct DLI for each phase) and the internodal space was pretty tight on my other grow. I was not doing coco with high-fertigation, but the environment and lights should be the same. I hope I can control what's going on, it will be a ride, that's for sure! I checked your grow, it's tight indeed :D
ibbzycommentedweek 0a month ago
Goodluck, love the enthusiasm. Greatest step to success! 💪💪
derutatucommenteda month ago
@ibbzy, thank you! can't go through life with a different vibe! 💪