This strain turns out to be a pretty good, modern indica with an above average yield compared to other indicas (other Crop King indicas). Its stretch period was quite unexpected and it seemed to swell nicely. Black Indica also had no troubles taking nutrients.
This plant suffered severe light damage early on, and had quite an extended vegetative stage. Black Indica bounced back faster that other Crop King indicas in the same conditions.
Growing was an absolute pleasure as the sweet bud smell was intoxicating. The final product puts off a sweet/sour vibe, but ultimately the flavour isn’t overpowering or notable. The effects are certainly indica but isn’t concussive in strength, most would opt for a sativa in this case. Potency seems to be a trade off for yield for this indica.
I’d recommend growing Black Indica, but I will continue to experiment with Crop King varieties. (It should be noted I have another Black Indica grow that may change my rating).