Jan 19th,
She's recovered from the rough start, gonna be transplanting into either a 3 gal in the next day or two .
Once situated after the transfer (4/6 weeks ill flip her over to flower) can't wait to see how things start moving now shes drinking alot better and all.
Can't wait tho.
Huge Thank you to Weedseedsexpress.com again , one of them strains ive been excited to try out.
Hope ur all having a great start to ur 2025, all the best till next update , Thanks for stoppin .
@WeedSeedsExpress, Thanks again WSE!! , really excited to see these lil ladies grow out. Updating coming soon we're just about to officially be a Vegging plant.
Moving along nicely so far !!
@Rangaku, I've been hearing good things about weedseeds, and permanent marker had been on my "want list" along with GMO . Anxious for them to get going tho@! Really appreciate u checking it out , hope u stop back as it gets going!