hey Iqmnoor , so basically what the deal is is that you can think of a plant sort of like a rocket. in the begining the rocket is on earth and has to focus all that energy just to lift itself up, so it's working hard even though it's not moving much - that's where you're at the seedling stage, then as it start shooting upwards it's still pushing pretty hard but it's still low compared to where it wants to go that's early veg and veg, as it reaches the outer atmospher the rocket doesnt need it's boosters but it's still working hard even though it's pretty high up, that's pre and early flower, finally when it's in outspace it doesnt need much anymore it's loose from gravity and the smallest push can send it far, that flower and late flower. So what i'm trying to say is that cannabis plants are like rockets, they take their time in veg and eventually they'll shoot off really quickly, you'll see. Conversely i see your substrate temperature is a bit high at 23°C , bring it down to 21°C with more ventilation and colder watering temperature (21°C not lower than that !) and it should somehow help a bit.