This plant is a week and a half younger than my oldest here, but it is slowly catching up. Because I planted it quite close to the edge of the pot, I was able to bend the stem well, using simple tent pegs. I continue to use the full Greenbuzz range for fertilizing, the Olla (the clay jug) is not yet in use. Added a little bit of CalMag, because of prior experience.
In the meantime, I've finally installed a decent humidity and temperature meter. Partly because I had no exhaust air, partly because it hurts a bit more when three plants go moldy than when just one does. It's fun to monitor that. At the moment it fluctuates quite a bit because I occasionally have the box open for longer, but that will normalize. My exhaust air set is the one from the old grow box and is a bit too small and, above all, too loud. But it's good enough for now.
@kannafarmer, I love them! I'm quite sure they make a difference (compared to regular pots). The roots are not long and stretchy, but many little roots that go in all directions. I have some big ones as well and want to use them as "raised beds" on my new balcony.