This diary focuses on two exceptional FullGas mother plants selected for their unique phenotypes. Both represent the best characteristics observed in past grows: one leaning towards the classic Exodus Cheese profile with intense cheesy and earthy notes, and the other with a distinct fuel-like aroma reminiscent of shoe polish. With approximately three months of vegetative growth, these plants are primed to show their true potential in flowering. If you'd like to see the original grow where this plant first thrived, visit the dedicated diary on our page.
Growing Medium: Each FullGas plant has been placed in 15x15 cm rockwool cubes atop 20 cm rockwool slabs, providing a stable foundation and optimal nutrient absorption.
Support System: A ScrOG (Screen of Green) net is employed to control canopy height and offer support during the heavy flowering phase.
Vegetative Phase Overview
The three-month vegetative period allowed both plants to develop robust structures with extensive branching and a healthy root system. These mothers are now ready to transition into flowering, where they will be evaluated for their resin production, bud density, and terpene profiles.