We're off and running! 6/6 germination. Thought I might have some issues in germination because, during my last grow, I experienced terrible germination rates. I ran some LIT Farms gear and out of 13 beans popped, only 6 germinated and sprouted into plants. I employ the cup of water method - toss them into a cup of water, cover them, and wait 36-48 hours. They popped after 36 hours, but one or two seeds had small taproots when planted. Thankfully, all 6 sprouted! 6/6 is fantastic. Excited for this grow because I've heard good things about both cultivars. My nutes/amendments are the Gaia Green line - 4-4-4 all purpose and 2-8-4 power bloom, along with earthworm castings (EWC). I'll be using Gaia Green 4-4-4 only and EWC for now. I pre-mixed my soil for the solo cups with about 1.5 tbsp of 4-4-4 for about .75 gallons of Pro-Mix HP. A little understrength from their recommended veg premixing, which is what I want. Wanted them to have some nutes for the first couple weeks, and this same method worked well during my last grow. In previous grows, I've used Pro-Mix HP by itself for 2 weeks without nutes and the sprouts were fine until transplant, but I like the idea of them having nutes as needed. I'll be transplanting these girls into 2 gallon pots at about the 2.5-3 week mark, and then they'll go into 5 gallon pots for flowering. I'll veg them in 2 gallon pots for about 3-4 weeks (6-7 weeks of total veg between 2 and 5 gal pots) and then transplant them into 5 gallon pots. After that transplant to 5 gallon pots, I like to flip to flower after about 5-7 days. These will be flowering in two separate 3x3 feet tents (3 plants per tent). Thanks for coming on the ride with me!