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22 days ago
RosinPressNewBuildOrRetrofit Light Emitting Diodes/600W
Room Type
weeks 1
300 L
Pot Size
30 L
a month ago
Hey growmies this is a new project which I would like for you to take part as well with ideas and suggestions, keep in mind that I live in Berlin Germany, I'm not saying it's out of the question to order things from outside the EU but it has to be dirt cheap for me to take into consideration. I'll be updating whenever as this ain't a grow diary, nothing is set in stone...
Week 1. Vegetation
a month ago
500 cm
24 hrs
50 °C
2500 PPM
100 %
50 °C
50 °C
50 °C
300 L
30 L
200 cm
2500 PPM
Prices are more or less and not exact values except for the grade A US parts which will be bought from a "proper" Rosin website if I choose the option of course. Option A 1) Hydraulic workshop press 20 tons https://www.ebay.de/itm/352298211492?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=5uinFjAIRrK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Guk3W1TrRSK&var=621693331255&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY 1x200€ 2) Cheap Kolophonium heating plates. https://www.ebay.de/itm/405412835542?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=xikj_oe1rjm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Guk3W1TrRSK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY 2x120€ = 250€ 3) Rubber anti vibration mat for the base. 0€ have one laying around Tools needed (open for suggestions) 1) angle grinder to cut off the nob under the jack as the cheap heating plates don't have a mounting option, and to shorten the press if possible. 2) drill to make holes for new screws to reattach the base/feet of the press. 3) heat resistant glue to Glue the heating plates directly on the frame with insulation properties if possible, if not I'll just have to use a separate product or go with out, not ideal but doable. Option B same as option A only difference are the heating plates which are pre manufactured for the purpose 1x200€ https://dulytek.com/products/dulytek-retrofit-rosin-heat-caged-plate-kit-3-x-8-inches-for-15-30-ton-shop-presses 309$ plus import taxes so around 400$ if I'm lucky 🤞🍀 Option C will probably be my running setup until I get the rest for option A or B 1) cheap 5ton Rosin press 300€ 0€ really as I already have it 2)8 or 10 ton jack to replace the 5 ton that came with the original. 25€ to 80€ Tools needed. 1) drill to reattach the new jack
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
22 days ago
500 cm
24 hrs
50 °C
2500 PPM
100 %
50 °C
50 °C
50 °C
300 L
30 L
200 cm
2500 PPM
16.02.25 A small update regarding my future build, seems that Option B is out of the question as I'm not willing to risk paying the tariffs that could change any moment now in the USA, so I'll be sticking with the cheap Chinese heating plates and controllers, so option A and C are the ones im going for. Option C I'll be doing in the next 4 to 6 weeks in time with my Candy Cream harvest. Option A will take a while as I'm still looking around. Prices are more or less and not exact values except for the grade A US parts which will be bought from a "proper" Rosin website if I choose the option of course. Option A 1) Hydraulic workshop press 20 tons https://www.ebay.de/itm/352298211492?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=5uinFjAIRrK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Guk3W1TrRSK&var=621693331255&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY 1x200€ 2) Cheap Kolophonium heating plates. https://www.ebay.de/itm/405412835542?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=xikj_oe1rjm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Guk3W1TrRSK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY 2x120€ = 250€ 3) Rubber anti vibration mat for the base. 0€ have one laying around Tools needed (open for suggestions) 1) angle grinder to cut off the nob under the jack as the cheap heating plates don't have a mounting option, and to shorten the press if possible. 2) drill to make holes for new screws to reattach the base/feet of the press. 3) heat resistant glue to Glue the heating plates directly on the frame with insulation properties if possible, if not I'll just have to use a separate product or go with out, not ideal but doable. 16.02.25 🚫🚫 Option B out of the question 😭 ⁉️🚫🚫 🚫🚫Option B same as option A only difference are the heating plates which are pre manufactured for the purpose 1x200€ https://dulytek.com/products/dulytek-retrofit-rosin-heat-caged-plate-kit-3-x-8-inches-for-15-30-ton-shop-presses 309$ plus import taxes so around 400$ if I'm lucky 🚫🚫 Option C will probably be my running setup until I get the rest for option A or B 1) cheap 5ton Rosin press 300€ 0€ really as I already have it 2)8 or 10 ton jack to replace the 5 ton that came with the original. 25€ to 80€ Tools needed. 1) drill to reattach the new jack


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Hattiwatticommentedweek 0a month ago
God luck for making it 🙏 Pretty sure you handle it like pro.
yan402commenteda month ago
@Hattiwatti, Not sure about that growmie 😂 I have two left hands, that's why I'm probably just going to retrofit a work bench for it, I was going for a max of 400€ for a 20 ton setup but that doesn't seem very realistic now that I'm looking around a bit more I reckon 500€ more or less, if I just replace the jack of my current setup with a 8 or 10 ton which is a tight fit it can be as low as 50 to 80€ depending on quality, I'll probably go for the workbench retrofit option as it gives me more of a surface to use bigger heating plates and enough space to use any jack from 5 to 30tons. Thanks for dropping by growmie 🙏♥️
PersonalSmok3scommentedweek 0a month ago
If you’re growing, a Rosin press is almost an essential 😸👌
yan402commenteda month ago
Thanks for the tip 🙏♥️ I just checked them out and they don't seem to deliver to Europe, Dulytec is the one that does, might go for the Chinese heating plates instead but I'll have to use two instead of one to get the surface I want.
Natronacommenteda month ago
Have you compared Dab Press if its available in EU.
yan402commenteda month ago
@PersonalSmok3s, 5ton is also more than enough, I'm not going for extra pressure I just want to strain myself less and want to be able to press more at once and that's not possible with a run of the mile 5 or 10 ton press as the heating plates are usually as big as the press itself.
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love_2_growcommentedweek 1a month ago
Decisions, decisions. I just picked up a new press, and because I'm lazy, I just bought a pre-made one. Only a small 4-ton version but it is good enough for me.
yan402commenteda month ago
It's about not having to pump to hard to get the same result and I need a bigger surface so I don't have to do multiple runs, that's all actually. I also think a 4 or 5 ton is more than enough for the average user. Thanks for dropping by growmie 🙏❤️
420DeepGrowcommentedweek 221 days ago
Gracias por todo lo aportado bro 💪🕺🏻
yan402commented21 days ago
🤗 growmie
CampaCavallocommentedweek 1a month ago
Che spettacolo Fratella 🤩🔝👍🏻
yan402commenteda month ago
Thank you growmie 🙏❤️ There is going to be a delay unfortunately, no money for now, so I guess the next update might take a while, I might just buy a jack for the current one I have until I get my first wage.
WhiteEdgecommentedweek 216 days ago
Great project friend, i will follow this!
yan402commented16 days ago
Thanks friend, it's going to take a while though, I still need to get the cash so it's going to be at least a month before my next update and I might have to use pay pal credit if I want to make it in time for this harvest.
MonyetDiablerocommentedweek 219 days ago
Ive contact them “ https://www.dabpress.com/products/small-rosin-heat-press-machine-starter-kits” I want to freeze the smaller buds and after a few harvests I want to combine them for their resin. At the other hand I’m also thinking about to make bubble hash. That will cost me almost nothing
yan402commented16 days ago
Thanks for the link growmie 🙏♥️ What do you mean with freezing the buds? You can' press wet buds but it's a mess if that's what you meant, and the results ain't dabable so not full melt and it burns black and messes up the dab rig, you better let them dry a bit and then store them for later use how it's up to you, unless you mean live Rosin then in that case yes you freeze the buds for later use and once you are ready and have enough you make bubble hash from the fresh frozen buds, gather all the hash and then Press it, that's the correct way. Buds need to be dry to the point where the stem snaps but not completely to get the best results when pressing buds directly, so not all the way dry. ps you can still smoke the results from a wet press but it won't be quality.
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 221 days ago
I've been looking at pressing stuff all day I'm definitely going to dedicate 2 plants from my next grow to pressing rosin for sure 🔥 all the best mate
yan402commented21 days ago
Cool dude, I'll definitely be following 🤞 I'm getting a bit frustrated as my best option is from the US best reviews and all, it's a shame I can't count on them for the next 4 years, I'm still looking for alternatives, found another couple of options on Ali Express that I might look into a bit better.
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