NiceCritscommentedweek 113 days ago
Wow... a bit small to be putting into that bucket... you mast have to hand water it a bunch. If I were you, I'd get a Rainpoint drip emitter and give it 1 minute of water every 20 minutes.
Better method:
1) Germinate in paper towel until trap root is out.
2) Take a small, moistened rockwool cube, cut half of it in half so you can insert the seedling with the seed cap on it.
3) In a few days, when the tap root is long enough, remove it from the rockwool and place it into an aeroponic cloner. This will have just a neoprene disc to hold it. Have the cloner spray the roots 2 minutes every 20 minutes.
4) When the tap root is long enough, or reaching the bottom of the cloner, THEN place it in your buckets.