Well... this is it, the floor has disappeared somewhere under the plants I believe 😅
The Double Glock is really perfect for indoor growing, I really like this kind of plant, not getting to tall but still making compact buds.
Unfortunately the Brain Cake and the Do-G are what I call a failure , something went wrong somewhere and turned into really bad shitty plants...
ChemPie and Ripper BadAzz are massive stretchers and have to be pulled on the sides .
Criminal + is perfect too fo indoor growing, making long internodes structure but not getting too tall.
(P.S: I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control 🐞)
@Jocolope,you can find the perfect light range by moving your light upward just lil bit every day till they start to pray . The right amount of Magnesium is needed to support the photosynthesis.