Hi there.
Nice looking buds.
Did you use a 2000watt light for only 1 plant? Your electricity bill is going to be higher than you after smoking a homegrown nugget :). Feel free to check out my page. 👍
Dr... You know the old saying, "When you think she's ready... give her another week." Question, are you checking trichomes and or looking at pistols? Thanks
@SHAMMYDOG, checking pistils...still most haven't turned yet. I'm need to start checking trichomes, usually don't start until the pistils start to turn over. It's just such a pain to get into my tent to check her haha I gotta move the other girls around to get at her. But I say probably has about 2 weeks left, just guessing.
I don't bother checking PPM
Been using like 5-7 ml of Grow Big, like 8 ml of Big Bloom and 10 ml of Terpinator. Been giving 1 gallon split into two feeds, then plain water. Just added a little tiger bloom since she's in pre-flower.