The plant seems to be doing well so far, did more LST to get more light in seems to have worked well enough so I held off on any defoliation.
probably top her this week after the first normal water feeding. It's starting to give off a nice dank smell that is making me excited for it to start producing flower.
Sunday April 7th is the beginning of week 3. anyone have experience with Bruce Banner #3 auto, or can identify this as auto yet ?
I am avoiding topping in case it is auto and I haven't seen any pistil growth yet , but I'm checking daily
greetings, your bruce banner is growing deluxe :) and clearly is autoflowering, usually these strains in the 4th or 5th week enter flowering, but you see that it is already forming flowers, during this week or the next will come in preflora Friend, I hope I have helped resolve your question.
For your next grow use perlite to make your soil fluffy, so roots can breathe better. Try to take pics in natural light if you want a good diagnose, happy growing
I have the Banner on 2l per week, what I am doing is mixing nutes into 2l of temped water, feeding the plant 1l at the beginning of the week (sunday) and as the week progresses it gets the remaining 1L. along with periodic misting of the plant.
I did it this way as this is my first grow with advanced nutrients and being unfamiliar, this was my solution to monitor and avoid nutrient burn but it seems to be loving it and having no negative side effects yet.
thank you for the tip on perlite, I am not very experienced with growing so any suggestions are appreciated. thanks again
@Devilstar, ah ok 2 l per week sounds much better...
but its better not tofeed in every watering, to prevent salt builtups. best is to water 2times then feed one time. and always feeding in wet soil
but you can do it as you want to... as long as it works
Thanks I was surprised by its rate of growth also, to be honest I was unsure if the explosion of growth was a combination of first week of nutrients, low stress training and light penetration or if it was a characteristic of auto flowers. The person I received the seed from tells me he orders his seeds from Delicious seeds, and have seen some very impressive plants on their Instagram feed. he also gifted me a white widow auto seed (crop kings) that's about to enter its second week above ground tomorrow.