Part 1: Harvest
Growing was fairly easy, but not the biggest yield.
I think i stressed her into flower atleast a week early, which meant a little low yield.
But no problems with tricky feeding or anything.
Wet weight: 124g
Part 2: Smoke report
Just recieved my Pax3, and went straight in for a test with Charlottes Angel.
Considering it my first vape, only joints before, I find it as the smoothest bud I've tasted. Very sweet and a taste i have a hard time putting a finger on, but good. Could taste it hours later.
The effect was a little as a head rush at first, but very mildly and only for 5 mins. Could still feel the sense of being medicated for a long while, even after only two good drags.
Perfect for a day medication, definitely recommend.
will update on effect on Fibromyalgia when tested.
- Forgot all about updating with effects on the effects:
- Sadly not a lot of effect, with the purely CBD strain on the pain, but this is for someone that has done lots of opiates, and have a high tolerance.
Look at the Stresskiller strain I've grown instead, as that gave a lot better results, but also more of a high of course. (made the patient very chatty)
- I sometimes use this at parties and gatherings, as it's just a great at releasing tension and make me a bit more social :P
- Will definitely grow again, but have so many strains in my seedbank that I want to try before I regrow any strains.