I went on a holiday for a few days so I couldn't take any pictures from day 8-13. I left the plant under the two CFL's the whole time (24hrs on) and asked someone to move the lights further away if it grew too tall. To my surprise this baby had grown a whole lot in the last couple days without me taking care of her. She's 26 cm (10 inch) wide and about 11 cm (4.3 inch) tall.
The weather around here is still pretty bad for this time of the year, always cloudy, so I think I will keep her inside for another week. Hope the sun will start pushing through after next week :p
I'm also thinking of giving the first nutes, 'Plagron alga grow' at about 1ml/l or should I wait?
As always any advice is welcome!
Pal don't worry bout them leaves there fine give it 2 weeks from now she will look huge bro it's just new growth some times in can seem slow but then you will go in one day and they will look huge them leaves she looks healthy mate and she's happy
good luck it your 1st time you will enjoy growing you own herb im on my 3rd still have a lot to learn but its exciting watching them grow they show it when there happy or sad you going to love it if you ever need any advice just ask a fellow grower people on here have experience and are very helpful