These were the first online purchased beans I have tried. Back decades ago, I grew bagseed and traded some seeds.
I had three grows in three spots going at once, just trying to figure out if in the soil outside, on the patio in a pot, or in a grow room was my best bet in this climate. This indoor grow was way easier than I expected. I’ll be growing indoors in the future. I had an issue with fungus gnats early on, but other than worrying over the girls, gnats were the worst of my issues. A skunk odor was apparent early on, but that gave way to a spicy citrus, then a slight spicy note, maybe pine with a little green here.
For this grow, I ordered some cheapo blurple LED grow lights off amazon (had snagshout discount codes), and fabbed my own mylar enclosure using PVC, in a part of the house we aren’t using. It has it’s own 1/2 bath so I used the bath exhaust to remove some air, the AC, brought in new air.
These aren’t trimmed super tight because most of it will be infused. The buds selected for smoke will be trimmed again before they go into the cvault.
Nutes were basic garden center stuff. I didn’t hqve the $$ to invest in specialty nutes this round, and I wanted to demo that you don’t have to have a bunch of special/expensive stuff to jump in and get started. I’m glad I did!!! Wasn’t horrible with off the shelf garden center nutes. Yields weren’t off the charts, but you can bring in an ounce or two! Now I’m going to check out better indoor lighting options and get some fresh nutes and figure out what to have on hand so that I can stack up the really big buds for my next grow.
Tried the first sample smoke, 8 days after harvest. Taste was classic herb, smell was classic herb. Jack Herrer is the perfect name for this strain. It’s already a smooth, tasty smoke and a great high. Can’t imagine how much better it’ll get after cure.