This amnesia haze xxl auto from Dinafem, i must say has been exciting from Day one, she has been very interesting to grow and surprisingly easy aswell, she has showed really good characteristics and structure, I think myself lucky I got this pheno she has really nice colours coming through and some amazing smells, like gas/fuel, citrus fruits and a musty pungent smell I can't put my finger on, she is also very frosty, I have her given her one last feed so the next two weeks she will be fed on 6.0 water at 20c until harvest, I would definitely grow dinafem again ✌️
@flowxman, hey bro, thanks for the comment, what did she do same for you? and when you say braked you mean? i will update a picture soon she grown a lot in 2 days all the best azad 👍
Congratulations on the harvest my friend 👍
You've done a great job with our Amnesia Xxl Auto and now she's down and drying it won't be long then you'll be testing her 👊
Thank you for the diary and please drop back in with your thoughts on the end product once fully dry and cured of course 👊
All the best ✌️
100% germination is a great start to any grow and this time we have @growing_with_azad trying out our Amnesia xxl auto 👍
Best of luck with the grow my friend and thank you for choosing our genetics for this adventure on the grow diary platform 👊
All the best ✌️
Hey Mark, thanks for the comment she's looking colourful at the moment 👍 so how can I describe the last time I smelt her closey... from what I last remember on first smell real musty pungent strong smell followed by a nose tingling very zesty/citrus smell almost bitter sweet 👌 she's been outstanding from Day one buddy and a pleasure I think myself lucky with her turning colour like she has. Looking forward to my next dinafem auto all ready 👊
Beautiful colours coming from our Amnesia Xxl Auto 👌
Looking phenomenal mate 👍
What sort of smells are you getting from this strain buddy?
All the best ✌️