Week 3 - 24/03 > 01/04
Sunrise: 07:36 1M
Sunset: 8:14 PM
Total: 12:38 / day but only 7 h direct light/day
Everything looks normal :) I'm aware the growing is not very fast taking into consideration the "only" 7 hours of natural direct light/per day and that we are still in March but as we say here "poc a poc i bona lletra"
How are things going my friend since your last update?
We hope all is well and thank you for choosing our OG Kush Auto CBD for this adventure on the grow diary platform 👍
All the best ✌️
@Sr_Sra_weed, Once the plant is down and drying. Remove as much foliage as possible and keep humidity around 50-60% maximum with plenty of airflow 👌
Keep a close eye on things as powdery mildew can decimate a crop. If your watching closely you'll be fine my friend 👍
Looks like harvest time to me ✂️✂️
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, Hi there. Till day 78, everything good. But as described in week 10 comments, three days after washing the roots and 3 days of shitty weather plus rain and high humidity level, I've noticed the apparition of Powdery Mildew on some leaves. The local grow shop gave me an organic fungicide to spray on the plant to control the mildew and every day I'm looking closely at the plant and removing the leaves affected. Today (03/06) I'm on day 87 and was going to harvest hoping the Powdery Mildew won't develop more during the drying process and ruining the bud. Any pieces of advice on the drying process taking into consideration the mildew problem? Thanks a million
What a beautiful looking plant👍
Congratulations on the harvest my friend👊
Time to sit back and enjoy that dank and frosty end product produced from our OG Kush Auto 👌
Have you sampled our Auto OG Kush yet mate? We would love your thought when the time comes 👊
All the best ✌️