The sun is shining and the babies are doing well. Sadly the third one never germinated after two different trials. They are in their final pot now. I was kind of unsure how much water to add after planting them. We will see. The soil (gold label special mix light) was mixed with 20g of Aptus all-in-one pellets and some grinded directly in the hole.
@Buddha2, Thank you 🙏 she was my first ever plant.I can say I properly jumped in the cold water with the summer of hell last year. She smoked heavenly at first, after a trip to Amsterdam and smoking "quality" bud, I had a little reality check and was a little disappointed to say the least, but hey, she got me hooked and motivated, so she holds a special place 😍Also good learning subject, now I see all that I did wrong haha
not really a comment on this step, but rather a huge "thank you" for your detailed and enjoyable-to-read diaries! I'm a total beginner, and using your notes as reference for my first grow! thanks again, and congrats on your amazing plants 😊
@Frog_Fisher, too many? we flushed her with 10l 5 days ago. she’s on water only since 10 days. mmh.. i’m a little surprised. thanks for your comment and happy growing 🍃