We already smoked a good bit of our first accidental harvest, that was nice, not harsh and quite equal in head and body. I don't feel though, like now is the right time, to rate the smoke. Will update several times at several weeks of curing. 🙏
Day 100 - The chop
While preparing her for a last photo shoot in the morning light, I found a little spot of dark mould in the middle of her dense main cola 😱After processing the shock with a strong coffee and a little smoke (of her), I chopped her down. Not all of her, but everything except a little young bud, that still wants to grow. Some bugs fell out, a green little guy (see video) and all sorts of nature.
I decided to wash one part of her. Thx to Mrs_Larimar for the inspiration and https://www.docbudsbrix.com/bud-washing for the details. Lots of incredible info on reddit as well. I love science 😍The other half I will wet trim (also a first, the other bud was dry trimmed) and then let dry in the dry box as well.
What a day, pure rollercoaster but smiling and grateful. Thanks to this lovely place as well. 🙏
I will add the proper harvest details later and will update with dry weight in hopefully 7-10 days.
@Buddha2, Thank you 🙏 she was my first ever plant.I can say I properly jumped in the cold water with the summer of hell last year. She smoked heavenly at first, after a trip to Amsterdam and smoking "quality" bud, I had a little reality check and was a little disappointed to say the least, but hey, she got me hooked and motivated, so she holds a special place 😍Also good learning subject, now I see all that I did wrong haha
not really a comment on this step, but rather a huge "thank you" for your detailed and enjoyable-to-read diaries! I'm a total beginner, and using your notes as reference for my first grow! thanks again, and congrats on your amazing plants 😊
@Frog_Fisher, too many? we flushed her with 10l 5 days ago. she’s on water only since 10 days. mmh.. i’m a little surprised. thanks for your comment and happy growing 🍃