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We'll give this a grow

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
6 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/300W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/300W
Room Type
weeks Technique
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
16 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
19 L
76.2 cm
Week Summary: Setup is a 6x 300W cob LED light in a DIY tent. Will be using sunlight whenever possible as the weather warms up where I am. Had no trouble germinating and once they were germinated, they were planted in 5 gallon pots with pre soaked Promix BX. Misted the girls for the first few days as they root d and drank up what was already in the growing medium. A few days in I realized I hadn't put enough medium in the pots so they were transplanted out to add more medium. They didn't seem to mind this one bit but I understand that it's not ideal with an autoflower. Gave the plants their first watering on the fifth day and we seem to be off to a good start! 🎵 Ready Set Grow 🎵 Daily Activities: May 4, 2019 - Seed dropped in a cup of room temperature water and left in a dark room overnight. May 5, 2019 - Pressed down on the seed and it sunk to the bottom of the cup. Removed seed from cup and placed in damp paper towel and inserted into ziploc bag to retain moisture. Put ziploc bag back into dark room to be left overnight. meanwhile preparing 5 gallon pot with promix BX and pre-soaking growing medium. May 7, 2019 - Seed had germinated and was planted a knuckle deep in the grow medium. Sprayed with a bottle of rainwater and left under grow lights for the day. May 8, 2019- no watering done, just sprayed occasionally with spray bottle. May 9, 2019 - no watering done, just sprayed occasionally with spray bottle. May 10, 2019 - no watering done, just sprayed occasionally with spray bottle. May 11, 2019 - Pot needed more growing medium so plant was transplanted out to fill the 5 gallon pot with growing medium. Received first full watering of approximately 1 Litre of water. Had fairly good weather so the plant was placed outside for the day and returned to the grow lights upon sundown. May 12, 2019 - no watering done today, again had good weather so the plant was placed outside for the day and returned to the grow lights upon sundown.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
6.35 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
40 %
19 °C
19 L
0 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
Gaia green high phosphorous bat guano 1.302 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Will be using General Hydroponics FloraMicro and FloraBloom for the life of this plant. Tried to delay using calcium magnesium but noticed some yellowing in the veins so will be using General Hydroponics CALiMAGic moving forward. Also raised the light a bit this week to 36 inches from the plants. May 13, 2019 - checked the medium and no water needed today. May 14, 2019 - Plant recieved it's first nutrients, mixed 2ml of Micro and 4ml of bloom with a gallon of water. Watered plant thoroughly and emptied excess drained water. May 15, 2019 - checked the medium and watered plant thoroughly and emptied excess drained water. May 16, 2019 - mixed 2ml of Micro and 4ml of Bloom with a gallon of water. Watered plant thoroughly and emptied excess drained water. May 17, 2019 - checked the medium and no water needed today. Started to notice yellowing in leave veins and think this may be due to a lack of calcium and magnesium. Picked up a bottle of CALiMAGic to implement Into next feeding. Plant measured 2.5 inches in height. May 18, 2019 - checked the medium and no water needed today. Sprayed the plant occasionally with spray bottle. May 19, 2019 - Feeding Day, mixed 3ml CALiMAGic, 2 ml FloraMicro and 4 ml FloraBloom with one gallon water and a pinch of pH down. Watered the plants thoroughly and emptied excess drained water. Implemented about 1 tbsp. Of Gaia Green High Phosphorous bat guano into the growing medium. pH tested the runoff which came in at 6.2. Plant measured 3.0 inches in height. May 20, 2019 - checked the growing medium, no water needed today. Misted the growing tent with a spray bottle occasionally during the day. Noticed it yesterday but its more pronounced today, it grew an extra two little leaves. Picture attached. No significant change in height today.
Grow Questions
HolySmokestarted grow question 6 years ago
Has anyone seen this in the gorilla auto? And is this advantageous for the plant?
Leaves. Other
lilbp420answered grow question 6 years ago
I see this in the regulars I grow too on that first "complete" node between 5-7 points on the leaves. It's a genetic thing is the common answer I hear, not sure I would call it advantageous, but more won't hurt at this point. It's not a problem either. In my hydro setup the first few nodes will come out a little odd looking as it's growing so fast.
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
12.7 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
40 %
20 °C
19 L
1 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
Gaia green high phosphorous bat guano 1.302 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Week Summary: Things seem to coming along just fine. This girl looks healthy and seems to be loving life. Only adjustment made would be the adding of CALiMAGic to the feeding regiment. Was gifted a pH pen but it will need to be calibrated. Isnt giving consistent readings. As she starts to grow the lights will need to be raised. Will monitor the situation. 🎵 I'm not ready to Grow 🎵 Daily Activities: May 21, 2019 - checked the growing medium and she needs water. Mixed 3ml of CALiMAGic with one gallon of water. Watered thoroughly and drained excess runoff. pH pen has been not giving accurate readings. Will need to re-calibrate. Plant has grown to 3.2 inches in height. May 22, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Figured the plant was strong enough for a little lst so started with some of that today. Misted the tent occasionally. Halfway through the day I panicked and regretted starting lst this early. Took the pipe cleaners off and thought I had completely twisted the plant but the plant has returned to its normal shape. Plant has grown to 3.6 inches in height. May 23, 2019 - checked the growing medium and it required water. Don't have the buffer solution for the pH pen yet so will just be giving them 4 ml CALiMAGic mixed with a gallon of water. Watered thoroughly and drained excess water. It was fairly warm today (20 degrees Celsius) so she spent the day outside returning to the tent when it became overcast. Plant has grown to 3.8 inches in height. May 24, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. After thinking I had killed her she has actually responded well to the lst, with lots of undergrowth. Continued this by pulling the main stem to the side to expose the undergrowth. Halfway through the day I turned the plant 180 degrees and readjusted the pipe cleaners. At night I removed the pipe cleaners on the main stem to allow the plant return to its normal position. Red is starting to fade in the stem so I think I've caught up on the Cal mag feedings. May 25, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water needed. Re-applied the pipe cleaners to the main stem, turning the plant 90 degrees from its position yesterday. I have seen some white edges to some of the leaves so I ordered some neem oil for preventative measures. Used the following recipe to mix a foliar spray for the plant. 1/2 tsp neem oil 1/2 tsp mild dish soap 1/4 tsp eucalyptus oil (could be more neem oil instead) 2 cups warm water Used this to spray the tops and bottoms of every leaf as well as the stem. Had to adjust the tent for future raising of the lights so the lights are now sitting at 32 inches. Will see how she responds to this. New branches popping up all over. Plant measured 5 inches in height now. May 26, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic with 3ml FloraMicro and 6 ml FloraBloom and a gallon of water and tested the pH. pH was 6.8 so added a pinch of pH down to bring the pH to 5.85. Fed the girl and the runoff pH tested at 6.08. adjusted the pipe cleaners to allow for more undergrowth. It was a fairly nice day (20 degrees) so the girls spent the day outside returning to the grow lights upon sundown. May 27, 2019 - After measuring the plant last night and realizing there has been no vertical growth I removed the pipe cleaners. Also noticed that the lst may have damaged one of the new leaves and I may have unintentionally fimmed the plant. Let the girls veg overnight rather than turning the tent off last night. Checked the growing medium and no water is needed today.
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
31.75 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
20 °C
5 L
0 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.585 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.302 mll
Week Summary: Everything is looking good minus the damage I did to the main stem. Hopefully we see some huge growth this week because she is looking a little stubby. Will be changing the recipe for feeding this week and decided to up the FloraMicro and decrease the FloraBloom. Figured that it needs the nitrogen more than the other nutrients and I already have high phosphorous bat guano in the soil. Raised the light to 40 inches now. She started to preflower the other day so I know for sure it's a female and she needs a name. She will be named Flo. Learned the importance of silica the past few days and will be implementing it into future grows. 🎵 My heart will Grow on 🎵 Daily Activities: May 28, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic, 6 ml FloraMicro and 3 ml FloraBloom with one gallon water. pH tested at 5.92. It was a nice day today so Flo spent the day in the sun, returning to the tent upon sundown. plant measures 6.5 inches in height. May 29, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water needed today. It was a hot day (27 degrees) so Flo spent the day outside returning to the tent upon sundown. Flo measures 7.5 inches in height now. May 30, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic with a gallon of water and added some pH down to bring the pH to 6.05. Gave Flo 500ml of water and noticed no runoff. Watered another 300ml and then noticed some runoff. Saw alot of growth yesterday so we're gonna give this LST thing another shot. I don't really want to mess with the main stem much but tied all the side branches down today. Well.... Adjusted one of the pipe cleaners and broke one of the bottom branches. Had to build a crutch for this branch and it seems to be recovering now. Flo measures 8.5 inches in height. May 31, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Seeing some great undergrowth over the past few days. Flo measures 9.5 inches in height now. June 1, 2019 - I left the tent on overnight and Flo spent the day outside. Checked the medium in the afternoon and she needed water. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic, 3 ml FloraMicro and 6 ml FloraBloom with a gallon of water. Added a pinch of pH down to bring the pH to 6. Watered 750ml. No runoff, they must be drinking more water now that they are growing. Flo measures 11.5 inches in height now. June 2, 2019 - Checked the growing medium and no water needed today. Looking like summer is here more and more everyday and Flo is loving it. Soaking up alot of rays the past few days and seeing lots of growth. Applied another treatment of neem oil today. Flo measured 12.5 inches in height this morning. June 3, 2019 - Checked the growing medium and water was needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic with a gallon of water and brought the pH down to 6.02. gave Flo 1L of water today. As Flo gets bigger I've noticed that she requires more water, will add more if needed. Decided to tie the main stem down to allow for more sunlight to the undergrowth. Flo measures 13.4 inches in height now.
Week 5. Flowering
6 years ago
38.1 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
20 °C
19 L
4 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.585 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.302 mll
Week Summary: Flo had a good week and is starting to flower now. The temperature is starting to warm up a bit and she spends alot of time outside. Hope to transition her into outdoors full time as soon as I can. This strain is amazingly resilient and responds well to all training that I do. 🎵 Wake me up before you grow grow 🎵 Daily Activities: June 4, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Adjusted the pipe cleaners and turned Flo 180 degrees to allow her to grow evenly. Started looking into bloomers last night and will be implementing koolbloom into the feeding soon. Flo measures 15 inches in height now. June 5, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic, 3 ml FloraMicro and 6 ml FloraBloom with a gallon of water. Added a pinch of pH down to bring the pH to 5.88. Gave Flo a little over a litre of water. Adjusted the pipe cleaners and removed the one from the main stem. She measures 15.9 inches in height now. June 6, 2019 - checked the medium and no water is needed today. Adjusted the pipe cleaners again and let her sit in the sun. The branch I broke seems to be growing just fine. Will check how it healed next week and possibly remove the crutch if I can. Flo measures 16.9 inches in height now. June 7, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic with a gallon of water and brought the pH to 5.91.gave Flo 1L of water for now. Not the best weather today so the ladies will spend the day in the tent. Saw some little brown critters on Flo so I obtained some lady bugs to take a closer look for me. Flo measures 17.4 inches in height now. June 8, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. I've been noticing lately that the plants will droop when they get in the tent. Think this may have been from my bug issue because today they are reaching for the sky. The lady bugs are still on the plants so they must be doing their job. Been spraying the plants with the remnants of the the last neem treatment. Flo measures 18 inches in height now. June 9, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic, 4 ml FloraMicro and 8 ml FloraBloom with a gallon of water and brought the pH to 5.92. Gave Flo 1L of water. Later in the day I added more water to the nutrient mix and pH'd to 5.90 and gave her another 300 ml. She spent the day outside returning to the tent in the evening.Decided to give the LST a break for a bit so I removed the pipe cleaners. Flo f measures 18.9 inches in height now. June 10, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Flo seems to have done okay with the first full strength nutes of her life. She spent the majority of the day outside and will now be residing in the shed because of the smell. Will have to make some adjustments in there because the temperature is a little low. Flo measures 19.4 inches in height now.
Grow Questions
HolySmokestarted grow question 6 years ago
When would I add blooming nutrients to the feeding regimen and for how long?
Techniques. Defoliation
Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago
Once the main stretch has stopped. At the end of the 3d week.
Week 6. Flowering
6 years ago
50.8 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
15 °C
5 L
2 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.113 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.321 mll
Week Summary: Everything seems to coming along as planned. Saw alot of bud sites develop over the past week and Flo's now stretched to 20 inches. Learned that I shouldn't be altering the feeding regimen because she didn't really respond too well to the changes. Will be doing full strength nutrients for the remainder of her life. Saw some brown pests running around the plants so I implemented lady bugs and it looks like they've done their job. De-foliated the odd yellow dying leaf which she didn't seem to mind at all. Hopefully should see some nice buds start to form this week. 🎵 You can Grow your own way 🎵 Daily Activities: June 11, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic with a gallon of water and brought the pH to 6.02. Gave Flo 1L of water, and saw no runoff so gave her another 500 ml. Started noticing what looks like a calcium deficiency which made me wonder if my pH was off. Didn't see any runoff after that so I decided to try and flush them with pH water. Ended up adding about 3L before I saw any runoff. pH'd the runoff and it was a little low(5.7). Will hold off on feeding for a couple waterings to stabilize the pH. Seemed to maintain 15 degrees in there overnight but I'll need to insulate it somehow. June 12, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. The ladies spent the day outside returning to the shed in the evening. June 13, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed this morning. She spent the day outside and later in the day the ladies were getting hungry. Mixed 10 mL CALiMAGic, 8 mL FloraMicro and 16 mL FloraBloom with 2 gallons of water. pH'd the feeding to 6.2. The runoff pH'd to 6.2 so I believe I flushed the nute buildup in the soil. This plant continues to branch out hard. She measures 22 inches leaf to leaf and only 20 inches in height. June 14, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Seeing some more bud growth since feeding her yesterday. It was looking like it would be a bit branchy but things are starting to fill out. Noticed a little bit of frost forming around the flowers too! June 15, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water needed this morning. De-foliated one of the dying yellow leaves today and left the ladies outside. Flo measures 20.6 inches in height now. June 16, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 12 mL CALiMAGic with two gallons water pH'd to 6.15 and gave Flo 1.5L of water. Runoff tested at 5.89 so things are normal. Decided to remove some of the lower pipe cleaners to allow those branches to reach upwards. Running out of space so I can't have them continue to branch out. June 17, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Temps got pretty low in the shed (8 degrees Celsius) but she perks up as soon as she's brought outside.
Week 7. Flowering
6 years ago
55.88 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
15 °C
19 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.113 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.321 mll
Week Summary: It was a decent week for growth but after looking at a few diaries I think I might be behind a week and stunted her a bit. She seems to be drinking more water and have started giving her 1.8 L of water. Have 2 or 3 weeks left to go until I start flushing her so hope to start seeing some buds fatten up. 🎵 Days Grow By 🎵 Daily Activities: June 18, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 12 mL CALiMAGic, 8 mL FloraMicro and 16 mL FloraBloom with 2 gallon water and brought the pH to 6.15. measured the soil pH and it's 6.02. Flo spends about 8 hours in the sun and 8 hours under the LED now. June 19, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Didn't get warm enough temperatures to put the ladies outside today. They spent the whole day in the shed with the propane heater keeping the temps around 23 degrees. Sprayed the ladies occasionally with pH'd water mixed with some CALiMAGic because they can't seem to get enough of calcium...or magnesium, it's one of the two. June 20, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Was a gloomy day so Flo spent the whole day under the LEDs occasionally getting misted with Cal mag water. June 21, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 12 mL CALiMAGic with two gallons water and gave the girl 1.5L of water. De-foliated a bunch of yellow leaves off her today. Seeing alot of leaves turn yellow and I'm not sure if it's the propane heater, the one really cold night or these girls are just hungry again. Spent the day under the LEDS. June 22, 2019 - I know that water isn't needed today but looking at the leaves yellow I feel like a feeding would be beneficial. Mixed 5 ml CALiMAGic, 4 mL FloraMicro and 8 mL FloraBloom with a gallon of water. Added a pinch of pH down and gave her 600 mL water. Next watering I think that a flush will be necessary. Finally got some decent weather so Flo spent 8 hrs outside and 8 hrs under the LEDs. June 23, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Flo seemed to respond well to the feeding, not seeing any new nute burn. She spent the majority of the day under the LEDs. June 24, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Decided to do a flush today so I gave Flo 2.1 L pH water and had over 500 mL runoff. We'll start the next week off fresh with a feeding. She got 8 hrs Sunlight and 8 hrs under the LED. I lowered the lights to 26 inches from the tallest plant. Should get some better light penetration to the lower sites.
Week 8. Flowering
6 years ago
55.88 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
18 °C
19 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.113 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.321 mll
You can now see the frost glisten in the sun 😋 Week Summary: End of week Eight and I think we are in the final stretch. Had a pH issue during one of the waterings this week which really threw the schedule off. More and more leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Saw some decent growth this week and will feed one final time then flush her out. Sure hope to see these buds fatten up before I chop her. 🎸 Here I grow again on my own 🎵 Daily Activities: June 25, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed. Waiting for Flo to soak up all the water so I can feed again. The ladies spent the majority of the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside beside a window sill. June 26, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today but I wanted to feed the girls today regardless. Mixed 10 mL CALiMAGic, 8 mL FloraMicro and 16 mL FloraBloom with 2 gallons of water and a pinch of pH down. Gave her 1.2 L of water and over 400 mL ran off so I stopped there. I know they probably didn't need the feed but I want to maximize the feeds over the next couple weeks. Spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside the house under the window sill. June 27, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Rained all day so the ladies spent the day under the LEDs and night inside. June 28, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 mL CALiMAGic with a gallon of water and a pinch of pH down gave Flo 1.2 L. She spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside beside the window sill. June 29, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. So... I busted my pH pen and have been just winging it on the amount of pH down needed each feeding. Noticed alot more brown tips on leaves today. Think I may have dropped the pH a little too much this time. Gave Flo 300 mL of 7 pH water today to hopefully offset some of the acidity. She spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside beside the window sill. June 30, 2019 - decided to flush out whatever was bothering Flo. Mixed 5 mL CALiMAGic with a gallon of water and a pinch of pH down. Gave Flo 1.2 L and let her sit outside all day returning to the LEDs In the evening. Top dressed with a little organic soil to hopefully provide some more nutrients. July 1, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Flo spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside the house under the window sill.
Week 9. Flowering
6 years ago
55.88 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
18 °C
19 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.113 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.321 mll
Week Summary: Looks like we are closer to the end than the beginning. Saw the buds start to fill out alot this week. Went easy on the Cal mag this week because I think it may have contributed to my overwatering a few weeks back. I think some deficiencies are starting to show a little. Maybe one more feeding and we will flush and chop her but we will see. Breeders information calls for a couple more weeks of flower. Starting to see more and more purple everyday, smells like a combination of pine with a hint of citrus... I love it! 🎵 Don't Grow breaking my heart 🎵 Daily Activities: July 2, 2019 - checked the Growing medium and water is needed today. Gave Flo 1.2 L of pH water and she spent most of the day outside. Evening under the LEDs and night inside the house beside the window sill. July 3, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Flo spent the majority of the day outside returning to the LED's in the evening and inside the house for the night. July 4, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Ladies spent the day under the LEDs and the night inside the house. July 5, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 4 mL FloraMicro, 8 mL FloraBloom with a gallon of water and a pinch of pH down. Gave Flo 1.2 L of water and drained excess runoff. Another rainy day so she spent th day under the LEDs and night in the house. July 6, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Flo spent the day under the LED'S and night inside the house. July 7, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed one gallon of water with pH down and gave her 1.2 L. The ladies spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside the house. July 8, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Flor spent the day and evening outside and the night in the house. The nights are starting to warm up but I don't think I'll be leaving them out overnight this far into the grow.
Week 10. Flowering
6 years ago
55.88 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
18 °C
19 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.113 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.321 mll
Week Summary: Heading down the home stretch here. I'm thinking we will flush this beautiful gorilla for a week and see where she is. De-foliated a lot of yellowing leaves the past week. Everything came off with little pressure applied. This strain seems to be a pretty slow bloomer. With the buds developing alot in the past week. Can't wait to test this stuff out.... I mean I will hate to see her go 😓😁 🎵 Easy come, Easy Grow 🎵 Daily Activities: July 9, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Ladies spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside the house. July 10, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Mixed 5 mL CALiMAGic, 4 mL FloraMicro and 8 ml FloraBloom with a gallon of water and a pinch of pH down. Gave her 1.L of water. They spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside the house. July 11, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. The ladies spent the day outside evening under the LEDs and night inside the house. July 12, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Removed a few more dying leaves with ease and left the girls outside all day. Evening under the LEDs and night inside the house. July 13, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. Looking at the state of the girls I think it's time to start flushing. Gave each of them 1.2 L of straight rain water. Will continue this for a week and see how they look. July 14, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today, spent the day outside, evening under the LEDs and night inside the house. July 15, 2019 - checked the growing medium and no water is needed today. Spent the day outside evening under the LEDs and night inside the house.
Week 11. Flowering
6 years ago
55.88 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
38 %
18 °C
19 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Week Summary: This will be the last week, that's for sure. Flo got her last meal and 2 good waterings since. She got a good mop chop to make her look nice and pretty and It's only a matter of time now 😢 🎵 Where do you grow to (My Lovely) 🎵 Daily Activities: July 16, 2019 - checked the growing medium and water is needed today. This will be the last one for you girl, it's been a pleasure. Flo got a heavy de-foliation and will be getting the axe either tomorrow or Thursday. She was put in darkness tonight for 24 hrs. July 17, 2019- Flo spent the day in darkness before getting the chop. She has now been hung to dry. Will update once dry and cure are complete. July 18, 2019 - checked the plants and they still need a few more days to dry.
Week 11. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So this morning I finally got to taste my harvest. Enough had dried and cured to roll one up and give an honest review. Being a heavy smoker that has a high tolerance the first thing I noticed about the smoke is that it is so clean. The THC % is definitely there but there is no harsh taste that makes you choke. Makes me wonder what is going into the stuff I would purchase previously. I would say the effects of this strain leave my whole body relaxed yet I have a clear head. This would be the perfect strain to consume after a long stressful day and good for anxiety and stress.
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Spent 78 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
30 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Citrus, Earthy, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Dearly beloved, we gather here to honor the life of Flo. She was a daughter and a sister and lived a good life amongst her siblings... So it's the end of week Eleven and I've reached my first of many harvests to come. At the start of this grow I had some pretty lofty goals for weight but I'd trade quality for quantity any day. With that said the quality of this product is top notch and I tip my cap to Royal Queen Seeds for a solid gorilla auto strain. The buds are a little airy but the taste is far better than anything I've ever purchased. Only yielded an ounce but that mixed with the knowledge I have gained far exceeds my expectations. Looking back I think I have in idea of where I went wrong. In between feedings I was still implementing cal-mag into watering which led to a salt buildup and resulted in overwatering because nothing was draining out. That and overdoing the LST in flower may have ultimately impacted my yield but you live and you learn. Still have some sticky buds and a quality smoke. I definitely would recommend this strain to anyone and will be giving it another shot in the future. I am so glad I found this community and thanks for following along. Cheers!


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HolySmokecommentedweek 26 years ago
@@lilbp420 it's the last picture in week two.
lilbp420commented6 years ago
@HolySmoke, Thanks for the point. I grow a bit different, so maybe someone with more auto experience will stop in, but it's just a genetic thing seen in many strains auto or photo. Not good or bad just how it grew. It's looking like a good start!
HolySmokecommentedweek 16 years ago
Thanks, I've liked what I've seen thus far from other diaries and look forward to it. Yes, this is my first grow and I've educated myself a little bit prior to starting. I'm welcome to suggestions though considering this is my first kick of the can.
GrowDutchcommented6 years ago
My advice would be to follow the basics, ph the water, decrease the humidity and temperature a little bit every week, don't overfeed, don't overwater. But overall enjoy and learn with every step, let me know if you are running into issues and need support.
HolySmokecommentedweek 76 years ago
Thanks man, I did use a bunch of LST during this grow but tried to stay away from messing with the main stem too much. If I didn't do it right I wanted to ensure that the main cola still produced. Your plant still has alot of growing to do. From what I've seen of that strain it's a beast. I'll be following along tho!
Denzulcommentedweek 116 years ago
Some frosty and colorful buds you got there. Great work. Congrats on the successful harvest. Now the real fun begins. Enjoy.
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@Denzul, you too, thanks!
Denzulcommented6 years ago
@HolySmoke, actually doing the same. Got tired of running out lol. So now growing both side by side. Best of luck with the next grow bud.
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@Denzul, thank you I will, gonna try my hand at photos next time and see if we can up the harvest. Cheers
Cheezycommentedweek 116 years ago
Congrats on the grow!! Looks so frosty! I'll be looking forward to seeing your next grow!
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@Cheezy, thanks, yours is looking real good thus far!!!
ElevatedNoobcommentedweek 116 years ago
Good looking buds. Glad to hear the taste exceeded your expectations. This is what I been worried about since beginning my first grow.... Thanks for sharing and the hell with buying your medicine. Happy growing ✌️👊
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@ElevatedNoob, I'm so pleased with the results. I hear you, screw buying it anymore. This way you know exactly what goes into it. Can't wait to see your smoke report on the northern lights! 🤜
Whitoutdutycommentedweek 76 years ago
@HolySmoke. Hi Man, I wish you the best 👽😎 I like "short fat" too
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@Whitoutduty, Thanks! Yours looks good as well. Hope I get as much as you did 🤞
ElevatedNoobcommentedweek 116 years ago
Can't wait to hear how the cure goes and see some shots of the manicured buds. I can't wait to smoke my own medicine... Kinda jealous you made it to harvest first lol.... Happy growing ✌️ 👊
lilbp420commentedweek 116 years ago
Time traveling :) but looking good
ElevatedNoobcommentedweek 76 years ago
Your plant is looking amazing. I'm at near the same age and yours dwarfs mine. This is my first grow and I used LST on my plant but after seeing yours I may go all natural on my next run. Happy growing ✌️👊
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommentedweek 26 years ago
Looking good ... Just got done harvesting a Northern Lights Auto myself. Good luck with the rest of your grow.
Athoscommentedweek 56 years ago
Once the main stretch has stopped. At the end of the 3d week.
Athoscommented6 years ago
@HolySmoke,b until the calyxes swell (the ball like pods in the buds where seeds would develop)
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@@Athos, so ive got a few weeks to go? And until when?
Cannibalgardenscommentedweek 116 years ago
Good job
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, Thanks! 🙂
BarrieGrowercommentedweek 96 years ago
Looking good! 👍👊👍
HolySmokecommented6 years ago
@BarrieGrower, thanks man!
GrowDutchcommentedweek 16 years ago
Enjoy the grow, the RQS Gorilla Automatic is an awesome strain.. Your first grow ever btw?
HolySmokecommentedweek 56 years ago
Awesome, thanks for your help!
HolySmokecommentedweek 36 years ago
Thanks for your help, much appreciated. Figured it was something genetic but wanted to have some input from some more experienced growers. Wasn't concerned or anything just found it interesting.
the end.
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