Just on cruise control. Going to give her a couple of bug baths 🛀 in the next weeks. Week 4 we will top her and see what the sides do. So tempting to put her into flower 🌹. Must have clones first 🤔🤓😎✅🌱😑🦆
Do you think I need to change my watering? I has 3 plants in a 30 gallon tub of super soil. One was male and I cut it out after it showed sex about week 5 from seed. Should I stay on the same time schedule and less water or less frequently? It will be interesting .
@emmett Hi mate yes you will need to readjust the watering to suit the change in root mass
Hydrogen peroxide is a handy tool for aerating soil when mixed in with your water. simply add 5mls to 5 litres and pour thru this will kill any mold or root rot and help add oxygen to the roots Good luck
Going to see how big we can grow this girl. I had the pleasure of puffing on this strain twice and really is good at killing the pain from 4 spine surgeries.
Everything that grows those giant redwoods is bear shit and fish leftovers. the bones are the calcium. Skins are full of fat and protein. The microbes go nuts on those. shrimp and lobstah shells. in the compost pile. I am basically growing in a 30 gallon compost bucket of scraps. I dig in and feed the worms occasionally with the leaves that I take off, Also fruit scraps. like moldy strawberries, wild grapes no citrus ? yet??
Classic newbie mistakes. It’s what I had on hand. Next grow will be 6 - 5 gallon bubble buckets. They grow way faster than the soil plants. We will see during the tasting part of this diary if it is worth the soil slow growing. 😎✅😘❤️
Seems I am getting the hang of watering finally. The 5X5 7 foot tall tent grow need 5 gallons per week. Just an observation of tent growing. No matter if in bubble buckets or In living soil. Any one else have that conclusion?
Thank you 🙏
Can't seem to fill the entire space left by the male that I culled out. Still think it will be a good grow. Only 5 instead of 6 in the 5x5 so close. starting to smell wonderful. .
I also cranked the 315 up to 100% on the digital ballast. I am trying to emulate the July hot Sun. I will also dim it back a little as the last weeks and flush. Come on girls let get fat.
Hope to be in cruise control throughout flower. Hope no screw-ups on my part. I think It is looking better than my outdoor girl, I replaced my Male with an outdoor clone of the Blue cookies.