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Guada/ first time grower

6 years ago
Room Type
12-12 From Seed
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
38 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
12 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
4 °C
1 L
This was two days after the seed popped. Did the traditional damp cloth in a dark space with getting the seed to pop. Acquired the seed from a batch of really high quality bud I bought. It was the only one in the batch apparently so I got lucky. Of course this means the sex of the plant is 50/50 but decided that if I wanted to try to grow a plant this was a good time since I live on my own now. Within the first week the plant sprouted upward and began forming the first leaves.
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Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
No Smell
1 L
This week the leaves began forming even further. I remember being super suprised and astonished at how quickly it grew and sprouted upward. You can clearly see here through the marked dates how fast it grew. Was only watering her every 3-4 days / when the soil was dry.
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
21 °C
No Smell
1 L
Week 3 (April 12-18th) At this point I was using water and a small amount of coffee grounds. Spent a lot of time talking and singing to the plant. The leaves got bigger and formed quickly this week. If you look at the different days you can clearly see how big the plant was getting.
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
15.24 cm
21 °C
No Smell
1 L
Week 4 (April 19th-25th) This week the plant had 4 fan leaves coming out from the main stem. The blade count went up by 2 (from 3 blades to 5). The plant was very healthy and strong.
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
25.4 cm
21 °C
No Smell
1 L
Week 5 (March 26th - April 2nd) This week the plant was at 4 levels (4 nodes where two stems grew symmetrically opposite of one another). Didn't take enough pictures this week, only two. Was watering just the same (when the soil was dry) as well as using some coffee grounds.
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
30.48 cm
21 °C
No Smell
1 L
Week 6 (May 3rd -9th) This week a very slight smell began to emerge. However I was the only one who could smell it. It was a very faint scent, one that if in the middle of cooking or amongst other smells, one would not be able to distinguish it. Continued singing to the plant and talking to her/them. By this point I was in love with this process. Edit: forgot to mention that this was the first time I transplanted the plant into a bigger pot. For the first 5 weeks, I had it in a 1L unit, the roots grew quickly though and were poking underneath. I moved it into a 2-3L clay pot after this. (my measurements may be off I'm scaling it by eye).
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Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
21 °C
No Smell
3 L
Week 7 (May 10th - 16th) This week she was very healthy and strong. The plant grew a lot and the inner nodes were forming as well. This was also the first week I noticed a bug.
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Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
35.56 cm
21 °C
3 L
Week 8 (May 24th - 30th) This week the roots began getting larger. This was also the week I began to really use eggshells and coffee grounds. I saw more bugs come out of the dirt (sometimes just happens) and I noticed the wood I burn as well as grounds, the more I use the better and stronger. I also know that coffee grounds and eggshells contain certain nutrients that are necessary in plant health and growth / life. The roots were starting to come out of the bottom of the pot-hole. I started looking for larger containers.
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Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
45.72 cm
21 °C
38 L
Week 10 (June 7th - 13th) This was the week that I transplanted the plant into a much larger pot. It is a 10 gallon pot. I have heard that using a pot larger than 5 gallons can be beneficial to the growth as sometimes the roots get too crowded in a 5G pot. The same week I had topped the plant. I heard it's best to wait til the plant has 8 levels. It was also necessary as the internodes at the bottom were not growing much at all. As soon as we snipped the top, the plant seemed to focus its energy into the internodes which began to grow even more. I also would like to say most of the questions asked in the diary seem super specific and I'm not a specific type of farmer. I come from a long line of farmers who did things very different than today. They still do things the same ole way and I have continued that use of knowledge specifically with this plant. So far not much has gone wrong. By this point the bottom leaves had wilted off on their own. The top fans were still looking healthy and strong though. I've heard it happens sometimes. Trying to focus on the good!
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Week 11. Vegetation
6 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
38 L
I have been using eggshells and coffee grounds as fertilizer / it is indoors but i am growing out of a pot. I am trying to not use lamps (as I’m poor) or store bought fertilizer. Any suggestions or comments would be very helpful. The internode stems that are currently growing have odd shaped fingers / are not symmetrical. You can kind of see what I mean by the video. The leaves are wilting a little and are a little yellow ish. I have topped it and repotted in the last 11 days and it has looked healthy (no pests, no other abnormalities except for one leaf that came out a little screwed) since germination. Currently know it is a GG4 seedling/plant.
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Week 12. Vegetation
6 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
38 L
Accidentally deleted a week so here we go again. This week the plant is looking really good! I've been just feeding her tap water (where I live the water is really good) and using coffee grounds, eggshells and I am going to start looking for other organic/natural (as well as relatively cheap) ways to feed her the nutrients needed. There is some slight yellowing in the top leaves but the newer stems look pretty healthy. I see a lot of little bugs, the coffee grounds seem to repel them a bit but I am wondering if there is another (again relatively easy and cheap) way to help keep critters away. I also burn palo santo frequently (I am indigenous and it's a sacred smell and habit of mine. I notice that the smoke keeps critters away as well. I've been reading about using volcanic ash (in small increments) as well as hydrogen peroxide (3% or less) and how it can help boost growth and keep away certain bugs. Any tips would be appreciated. Again, I am trying to grow as cheap as possible. Where my family is from it's grown wild and can be grown with little to no maintenance. Of course that will affect the potency but I believe there are other ways to increase it, spiritually, and organically etc.
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Week 13. Vegetation
6 years ago
45.72 cm
21 °C
38 L
This week was interesting! Most if not all of the internodes have begun forming small preflowers. There is no white hair yet but I’m still hopeful that the plant is indeed female. The inner and new growths look healthy and strong. I’ve started using volcanic dust/dirt in my water to give the plant some more nutrients and it seems to really like the new mix. Still using egg shells and coffee grinds (having to use a whole lot as the pot is huge)) so far so good!
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TommyBVRSA75commentedweek 13a year ago
Great job, mate. Follow me back and give me you like. 420 Forever
DoDrugs420commentedweek 134 years ago
Lovelly Gorilla Glue #4!!!
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