A lot of leaves are yellowing, unsure if its cause the plant is nearing its end or if it's because the pot is filled out with roots which I know it is or if I just haven't given it enough nutrients as I did flush as it was showing signs of nutrient burn. Anyhow, I'm not sure if I see much progress since last week, but I just watered as the picture was taken basically. This is the strongest nutrient watering since flushing, going to be interesting to see how she will react. Only time will show, follow the show! 💪
Watered with nutes on the 30th -
@@GrowMeistro, oh yeah she will be stackin' some serious weight. hit it with that pk booster growmie ! im gonna follow this grow. its gonna be tremendous !
@DaSofaSurfer, Yea, I don't know what happened with this one lol. She turned out really strong tho, I'm excited for the coming weeks with the bud forming! 😎
Nice grow brother, keep up the good work, looks like she will finish up in 3 weeks. You feeding them calmag straight through? Ive got 2 girls outdoors in my backyard and 1 girl at the farm. They have just began flowering starting to shoot out a shit ton of preflowers. They are blueberry gum #2 and 6 feet tall.
@@GrowMeistro, my next update is friday so keep an eye out. I update my journal every friday. This is only my second outdoor grow. Im normally a indoor guy (10 years and counting) but free light and large yields cant be beat so i stretched my knowledge and brought it outside lol. But your girl looks fantastic your groes will get better and better. Get on getting some of that calmag :). Peace brother
@@@GrowMeistro, thanks brother appreciate the compliment. Calmag is great straight through almost right till finish. The plants love it. Ive been growing for almost 10 years now and the plants look alot more lush and alot less nutrient deficencys using it. The most importsnt nutient in my garden.
@ghostface00132, Thanks man I appreciate it! Yea, 3-4 weeks sounds about right.. But no I haven't been feeding them any Calmag, I've just been using the Biobizz line of nutrients. Is Calmag a good supplement for flowering? Anyways, I looked at ya gal's and they're looking amazing too! a lot of strong tops, Ima be following ya grow ;)
@Potagonia, Yea, well atleast I bought them as autos, at a trusted site from Humboldt seeds. But it just wouldn't flower, so I asked some fellow growers at where I'm from and apparently Humboldt seeds doesn't do well where I live. Someone had 6 plants (Humboldt seeds aswell), couldn't get it to flower (This is outdoor, just like I had my blue dream until last week)