Goldie is doing awesome and her new tent move the lights a little closer and according to my grow bible I've turned the light to a 24-hour cycle where it will stay until flowering. This is to promote growth. Also included an added a CO2 bag which will help with growth. Everything seems to be going really well I'd lightly dusted with the diatomaceous earth as part of a pest prevention and a little bit of worm castings mix as well 4 extra nitrogen to help with growth. I talked to Goldie at the top of her sixth of node down to the 5th node. She immediately sprouted to other stems within 3 days and has been doing nothing but growing sense. I water with a 1.3 gallon mister and I mixed all the liquid ingredients into the water Ro distilled water with a pH of 6.8. I then do my foliar spray of flowers kiss. Bi-weekly I will do a silica treatment. I'm been adding the kelp to the soil mixture when I'm feeding however my grow bible recommends that it will be better to do it as a spray so next time I incorporate kelp it will be as a missed. Next week I will be making a compost tea with my secret special ingredients so stay tuned.