I leave a lot of leaf on the buds for a reason, the rough cut's purpose is very simple, when you are going to roll one, and you grab some bud and start taking off the pieces of leaves, the smell arises from the bud, and is very appealing, for me an important part of the smoking expierience. Very different than sativa/haze, but just as narcotic high just like the modern haze types. Dutch Ghosttrain haze has same kind of effect. Smoke is very smooth, very lemon/lime, not earthy, perhaps a bit pine. The high last very long and. The bud has good bag appeal. despite of me having bad luck with this one, it came out like a star and i can say i'm very happy with the result. A piece of 2cm length 1.5 cm width weighs around 1 gram. Very very dense bud, sticky.. aha.. now i see why it's full name is Sticky Monkey GG#4