Cali snow She just maturing probley about 2 weeks left she in a 5 litre pot drinking a litre every 24 hours she’s a thirsty girls this plant has been the most easy auto I have ever grown she’s never gave me a problem from dry 1 brilliant and this will sound weed she smells like weed but mixed with weetabix I’m starting her on dragon force from shogun it suppose to trick the plant in to thinking it coming to the end gives the plant a final push
@@@@Tryhard_grower_grower, yeah man this one gave me an idea to do a small 1 gallon fabric and hang her with ratchets. Train her like your lil girl and just have fun with it twisting branches and shoots. Found this one to be very inspiring. 👌
@AlaskanGrownCaliRaised,mate she was a nice grow regardless of size I’m goner have some hard dense nugs I enjoyed this grow and she does look like a bonsai tree haha
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, thanks for getting back to me out of most the masters you are one of the helpful ones.........I was thinking that myself but just wanted clafiacation
@biggreens420,it’s not goner be 100 percent there taste and everything after 2 weeks but I will be able to get blipt so I will go off that but after that am re jarring for 2 months
@biggreens420,will leave her for 7 days now not touch her or let her see any light what so ever then strait in a jar for a week then I will do a quick smoke report and dry weight I’m goner weigh her when after I Jarred her for a week so 2 weeks from now you shall get that report green
@SamiGreen87,have not changed yet after I had great results using hps I tried cfl but my results have been poor I’m switching to hps in next day or so you should do same mate better results bigger yields