This Wedding Gelato looks really frosty, lots of trichomes shining 😁 Buds are fattening up nicely and they feel really dense and tight, also the smell is so nice, very sweet diesel citrus scent. This had one last feed and I have already started flush so only a couple of weeks left to go now.
I hope my one gets as good as this! It’s not doing bad at all just had some problems as I didn’t notice I wasn’t watering properly so came out with a lot less than I should have but hey practice makes Perfect! 💯 you’ve even got sherbet queen 😍 I’m doing that too so ima be checking out your diaries so I get a slight heads up on what to expect⚡️
Hello Ron ,
I grow also the wedding gelato and topped them , also lst and indeed they grow like hell . They like training,the same like the fat banana . Strong strains and genetics from RQS every time.
Greetings from belgium and a successful grow