So I finally got my 5-gallon pots got them planted in Pro mix that was way too cold to be transplanting in oops my bad anyway they're pulling through just fine I've noticed some of the purpling going away and they seem to be standing up looking happy so I continued with the Grand Master Level Style leaf removal they seem to be stacking up let me know what you all think
Nice! I've got some Cookies kush beans I've still not popped, maybe next run lol. I'll be following to see how this girl turns out for you mate 👍 you could always raise her by putting something underneath her while your bigger girls are in there :) hope all goes well mate 👍🐺
@TheFoxFarmer, nice mang! Thanks
I was going to figure something out to raise them but there's three of them. I think that Auto is going to be done in the next week here. I'm almost thinking of taking some cuttings because I could try and slow them down and could always use cuttings
@c3llular, I'll be putting them into root pouches like most of my others I've been happy with them as far as over-watering goes just don't water if the pot feels heavy. So just let your pots dry out so you can feel what they're like when they're light then feel them when you've given them a full watering and you should be able to tell when your plants need water
@CBD_Sweden, Thanks buddy just got to get my ass in gear and get the other ones put together and do everything else that I'm way behind doing hahaha I'll get there
@biggreens420, thanks, yeah they are already cheering up nicely I have no worries that they will pull through.
Now that my cheese grow is in jars I have less to worry about and can focus more on what I'm doing hahaha. Learn by your mistakes people
@Tonino, thank you very much
It is a great thing to look at lol sometimes I just stand there and stare at it hahaha nothing better to do I guess hahaha